By campaign I thick repetitive touches. Most online advertising is about hitting as many people as possible with your product or program, in our case SFI. But it is an ineffectual form of advertising. You may get many sign ups, but you will not get many performers.
All advertising data shows that the most effective advertising is measured in the number of touches to one prospect. That is why Email lists work much better than traffic exchanges.
Touches make people feel safe, feel like you, or your product is familiar. There are many Colas in the world, why do es everyone buy Coke or Pepsi? They are familiar. You know no more about Coke than you did the first day you saw their bottle. But now, through repetitive touches you feel like you know the product. You feel safe with the product.
For repetitive touches I use an autorsponder, and it is my most useful advertising medium and it is well worth learning and mastering.
Why? well there are a couple reasons.
1. When you do paid or free advertising people have 2 choices, not Interested or Join. These are 2 extremes. The option to offer a free bonus, product or service gives them a middle choice, in a sense, a "I want to learn more" choice. When they choose that they are not signing up, but they are not disappearing either. Then you advertise to them through a mail campaign every few days. You offer value (a must) and they begin to "know" you and trust you.
2. When a prospect becomes an Affiliate through a one time Banner Ad ask yourself the question, Why? Why did he respond to that banner or that email? Whatever the answer is, I promise you what it is not. It is not an informed decision. Maybe it was the "Grow Ad" and that person just happens to like blue. But when a person becomes an Affiliate after your 8th or 9th email ask why again. And the answer can still be a number of reasons but I assure you it is a more informed decision. An informed affiliate will do MUCH better than an uninformed one. That is why friends and family make better affiliates than anyone else. They are the most informed. I have 12 people in my SFI Business who are Executive Affiliate (EA) and above. 5 of them are friends/family 3 of whom joined the same month I did. They joined informed. Their very first day they each (the 3) made EA. In my downline are other friends and relatives I recruited. Most of them have all been in SFI over a year now. EA every month.
3. When you place an ad the prospect responds to the Ad copy, good or bad. When a prospect receives valued content from you consistently over time, and you begin to Brand yourself to that Prospect, they begin to respond to you. I have Affiliates with whom I have built a trusted bond, and, now they no longer seriously engage in SFI. But they still chat with me and make purchases every month, or every other month in TripleClicks, the SFI store. They are friends. They have a situation such that they can't consistently apply themselves in SFI, but they do want to bring value back to me. They buy in TripleClicks those things they might have bought elsewhere.
4. Prospects in your email campaigns may have no interest in some angle you use in SFI but they might be interested in some other aspect, like PriceBenders. They may already have a successful program but they might value from e-books and tools in TripleClicks. I can promote those tools I use to them, and they are receptive and become PRMs.
Those are a few reasons I find it valuable to use an autoresponder and repetitive advertising to the same group of people.
By campaign I thick repetitive touches. Most online advertising is about hitting as many people as possible with your product or program, in our case SFI. But it is an ineffectual form of advertising. You may get many sign ups, but you will not get many performers.
All advertising data shows that the most effective advertising is measured in the number of touches to one prospect. That is why Email lists work much better than traffic exchanges.
Touches make people feel safe,