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What was it that made you realize that SFI is the real deal?

7132 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 12/10/2015 4:16 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
What was it that made you realize that SHI is the real deal?

Let’s be TOTALLY CLEAR about this, I KNOW SFI is the “REAL DEAL” 1000%!!!!

Let me go back to when I joined SFI on August 29, 2013 to see what was the process I went through before I realized and accepted this.

I see that I didn’t really get active in SFI until September 1, three days after I joined. Yes, it took me about three days to dispel the skepticism I had about internet businesses in general

How can I earn 1000 AVP for the status of BTL if I do not have any team members yet?

7121 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 12/10/2015 5:01 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
How can I earn 1000 AVP for the status of BTL if I do not have any team members yet?

Jasna, this question is very topical at this time because you only have this month, to December 31 2015, to achieve BTL in this way. From January 2016 you will need at least one EA2 to become BTL – but the VP, both SVP and AVP requirements don’t change.

Unlike most SFI Affiliates I believe we should strive for the highest ranking we can obtain each month in SFI regardless of whether we have

If I only have one hour a day to spend on SFI, what should I spend this limited time doing?

7109 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 8/28/2015 10:03 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
If I only have one hour a day to spend on SFI, what should I spend this limited time doing?

We all face this dilemma sometimes don’t we? When I find myself in this situation what I do is just maintain my SFI business as best I can.

I put priority into maintaining my rank and entitlements. So this means I first check ALL the daily action tabs. I usually do the ASK SC and Forum sections first, and I try to do these on a computer because it is easier to reply on a computer than

SFI has great ways to communicate with your team, but am I missing out by not using outside resources too like email, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, etc.?

7097 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 12/10/2015 5:25 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
SFI has great ways to communicate with your team, but am I missing out by not using outside resources too like email, Facebook Messenger, WhatsAPP, etc?

May I suggest that we shouldn’t get caught up in the technology BUT remember that the principle task we wish to achieve is to COMMUNICATE effectively with a team member. It’s not important what technology we use. What IS important is that what WORKS best for each team member.

A communication method is not going to work

How do I take advantage of every tool in the SFI system to maximize my success here?

7064 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 8/28/2015 9:16 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
How do I take advantage of every tool in the SFI system to maximize my success here?

SFI provided HEAPS of tools. The website is HUGE. So we are very lucky that we have this TREASURE CHEST to dive into and learn to use for our benefit – AND IT’S ALL FREE!!! Thank you SFI.

So, firstly we must realize and appreciate just how valuable these assets are. I am just so thankful that I have found SFI. This fuels my enthusiasm to get working in SFI everyday AND to tell my team, to

What are the top selling points of SFI that should be highlighted to any potential prospect?

6644 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 10/11/2015 8:12 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
What are the top selling points of SFI that should be highlighted to any potential prospect?

A lot of the answers so far have just listed everything that SFI does but I think that is too much detail to present to a potential prospect.

Instead I have tried to limit my answer to just the main points – the ones that matter to me the most. It is still an impressive list. However each time I speak to a potential prospect I choose just two or three of these points to focus on.


How can I convince people who do not speak English to join SFI and work with me?

6616 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 1/28/2016 10:27 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
How can I convince people who do not speak English to join SFI and work with me?

I see you are Serbian and that you list your primary language as “other”. Perhaps you already know more ways than I to do this. But I have spent over 30 years in Papua New Guinea so I have some experience in communicating with people who do not speak English or whose primary language is not English.

Whatever your native language is you can obviously speak/write that with any other people who

How can I set up an online seminar to train my affiliates...and what are some tips for successful online seminars?

6606 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 1/28/2016 6:25 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
How can I set up an online seminar to train my affiliates … and what are some tips for successful seminars?

This is something I wish to develop during 2016, so I have been giving this question some thought. This is what I plan to do: -

1. I plan to build up to setting up an online seminar – in other words, do it in stages.

2. Stage one: Is to prepare materials for a seminar. I am putting together some video clips about different aspects of SFI. When these are

What are some ideas for marketing SFI at a job fair or free-standing kiosk in a business area?

6557 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 10/11/2015 8:43 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
What are some ideas for marketing SFI at a job fair or free-standing kiosk in a business area?

I have considerable experience in running a sales booth at a Trade Fair. But those have been for physical products from my own business (for instance a clothing manufacturing business). It’s a lot of work. You need to set yourself up properly with an attractive “shop front”, display area and have stock and sales materials readily available.

These booths also are quite expensive.

My team has a negative attitude about SFI. How can I change it to a positive one?

6545 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 1/28/2016 10:04 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
My team has a negative attitude about SFI. How can I change it to a positive one?

What I do is: -

1. I try to be as positive as possible in all my communications with my team – in TeamMails, Stream Posts, personal E-Cards, Welcome letters, personal emails, SFI messaging and “Chat” etc, and when answering their questions.

I have over 800 in my team but I can count on my two hands those who respond. So, who knows if what I do is effective.

2. I reply