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What is the best way to contact a prospective ECA?

4508 votes

Laurie Mccain, Aff (Oregon, US) 4/15/2014 10:31 pm

Affiliate since: 10/25/2010, Power Rank: 99999999
To contact a prospective ECA you would want to know your prospective ECA before determining the best way to approach them. I'm not talking about having to know them personally, but you will want an idea of what their 'brick and mortar' store is all about.

Not every prospective ECA will have a "brick and mortar" store either. One of the best ways to find a potential ECA is on foot - go to a local Farmer's Market or flea market that is in your town. People who handcraft their

What is the best way to help my PSAs understand SFI?

4405 votes

Laurie Mccain, Aff (Oregon, US) 3/29/2014 2:08 pm

Affiliate since: 10/25/2010, Power Rank: 99999999
To help your PSA's and CSA's understand SFI you need to have a good knowledge of it yourself.

So, the first step would be to educate yourself utilizing all of the tools that are available including reviewing the Launch Pad and other documentation you read when you first started with SFI.

After this you may want to compose a "cheat sheet" that has all of the tips, tricks and shortcuts you've learned. Look at the Frequently Asked Questions sections and see if there

What is a good message I can use to greet my new PSAs?

4290 votes

Laurie Mccain, Aff (Oregon, US) 3/23/2014 9:31 pm

Affiliate since: 10/25/2010, Power Rank: 99999999
Your welcome message should be short, clear and sincere.

I believe there are some samples available to use or make your own by changing some of the wording.

It's always a good idea to write it (or copy and paste it) to your word processing program so you can use it over and over by copy and pasting it into the email message once it is perfect.

Be sure that your new PSA's knows they can count on you if they have questions or problems by adding all the ways they

I have experience with in-person presentations, direct mail, trade shows, handing out biz cards, network at events, etc. Can offline marketing be as effective for my SFI business as online marketing?

4268 votes

Laurie Mccain, Aff (Oregon, US) 2/16/2014 9:37 pm

Affiliate since: 10/25/2010, Power Rank: 99999999
I absolutely believe that offline marketing can be every bit as effective as online - as long as it is done correctly. Experience with presentations, direct mail, trade shows, etc. is very helpful and will undoubtedly be an immense help. Don't forget or discount the marketing materials that are available to us from SFI. The TripleClicks car banner is one of them. Then there are flyers with tear-away tabs for you to put your gateway on and hang on bulletin boards at stores, colleges, bars,and any

My advertising is not providing satisfactory results. What should I do?

4216 votes

Laurie Mccain, Aff (Oregon, US) 6/23/2015 9:09 pm

Affiliate since: 10/25/2010, Power Rank: 99999999
If something isn't working then it is time to change it.

If your current advertising system is not producing the results you want, take a good look at it to see what the problem may be. You don't always need to start over with something else which can be time consuming and costly.

Take a good look at what you are already doing - are you sending out your ads at the right times? For example, if you are counting on Twitter to carry your ads, are you only tweeting once a day?

If persons I sponsor advance in SFI faster than I do, should I continue to try to train and support them?

4148 votes

Laurie Mccain, Aff (Oregon, US) 6/23/2015 8:38 pm

Affiliate since: 10/25/2010, Power Rank: 99999999
With the SFI program, you are in a team situation.

This means that we all learn from each other.

To think that you have nothing left to offer just because one of your affiliates gets more badges than you or is a silver TL when you are a bronze is not productive and not true.

We all learn from and support each other, no matter where we are in the line-up. Even if your affiliate is a diamond TL, you very likely know more about some other part of this humongous

When is the best time to upgrade your rank from EA to Team Leader?

4109 votes

Laurie Mccain, Aff (Oregon, US) 6/23/2015 8:50 pm

Affiliate since: 10/25/2010, Power Rank: 99999999
The most logical time to advance from EA to TL would be when you actually have a team that is productive.

Becoming a TL if you have a genealogy full of CSA's and PSA's that do nothing is a waste of your time and money.

It also wouldn't make sense to become a Team Leader when you are still in the early learning stages. You wouldn't know what to do with them!

Once you have completed the Launch Pad Lessons and other training and you are comfortable with what is expected

Where could I advertise TripleClicks products other than on social media?

4029 votes

Laurie Mccain, Aff (Oregon, US) 3/10/2016 9:13 pm

Affiliate since: 10/25/2010, Power Rank: 99999999
I think we automatically think "Facebook" when we decide we are going to advertise TripleClick products on the internet. This probably because we have been conditioned to think this way by all the chatter about how to make money online.

Believe it or not, there are other ways. In fact you don't have to use the internet at all (although leaving out this valuable resource might really squelch a good advertising campaign!)

So, go back to the basics. What did we do

How can I help ensure that my affiliates read all the exciting and important SFI announcements?

4006 votes

Laurie Mccain, Aff (Oregon, US) 3/10/2016 9:28 pm

Affiliate since: 10/25/2010, Power Rank: 99999999
There are actually several ways to bring SFI announcements to the attention of your affiliates.

One of the obvious ones is to send out a Team Mail with a subject line that intrigues them such as: ”SFI makes an ASTOUNDING ANNOUNCEMENT!” or something similar. If you use your imagination you can write your subject lines in a way that attracts their attention and interest.

You could then simply put the link to the announcement in your email or you can paraphrase what the

How can I use SFI's hit tracking to make my promotions more effective?

3702 votes

Laurie Mccain, Aff (Oregon, US) 2/16/2014 9:51 pm

Affiliate since: 10/25/2010, Power Rank: 99999999
The instructions about how to use SFI's hit tracking are available and several answers have been submitted with this information as well. You assign a code to each promotion, then look at the hits you get on each one to see which one works best. That is the simple answer.

You can take it much deeper than this though, by being sure to check your hit trackers on certain days and even at certain times. I would check it daily and by doing simple subtraction you would be able to see which