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Is it better to provide prospects with only a brief overview of what SFI is about...or more lengthly, detailed information?

3924 votes

Victoria Hayton, Aff (Ontario, CA) 2/6/2015 8:48 am

Affiliate since: 07/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Ana,

If you have very little ad space, do up a short, catchy ad. I prefer to have a lot of space so I can put it all out there for prospects to decide if they're interested.

If you're talking in person, you might want to try a one-liner like I do i.e. "Do you or do you want to work online?" It's fast enough to slide it in as the other person and I are waiting for the subway or a streetcar and it screens them.

As for which is better, I'll put it to you

How do I advertise if I want to reach a specific target group?

3917 votes

Victoria Hayton, Aff (Ontario, CA) 2/6/2015 11:17 am

Affiliate since: 07/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Snezana,

First of all, you're going after a target group, a target market. That is fine but make sure you aren't missing out on opportunities or prospects. Prospects, for example, could come from anywhere.

Two ways that I advertise to target groups are in my ads (gateway links or categories and do likewise ads) and I buy visitors/traffic packages. I find that combination works for me.

For ads to hit your target group, you have to decide on the group and location,

Is it worthwhile to create individual, personalized welcome letters to new PSAs using information from their Affiliate Profile?

3907 votes

Victoria Hayton, Aff (Ontario, CA) 2/6/2015 12:41 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Sharon,

I have my own welcome letters I send out which, to be honest, are long enough. I do read and use Affiliate Profiles, especially when my team member is lacking in an area. ("I wrote that I can spend $100-$200 per month but so far I don't log in everyday and I haven't spent a cent.")

I like using the Affiliate Profile so I can see what my team member's background is and what they will be prepared to do or invest in their SFI business. Personally, I wait to

Should I encourage or discourage my PSAs who want to become Team Leaders right away?

3859 votes

Victoria Hayton, Aff (Ontario, CA) 9/18/2014 8:24 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
I have had a couple of experiences with affiliate programs but mine were in person. Still, I got burned. I joined SFI over two months ago and I am so happy with SFI.

Years ago, one affiliate program interviewed me like it was a job when, in fact, I felt scammed. I paid $99 "membership fees" but I was "getting a deal because it's a one-time fee." I had to sign people up and get a small 15% commission. Some deal. Plus I was expected to attend their seminars without pay

Fear of success is a major problem for many people. How do you get past this with your team members?

3820 votes

Victoria Hayton, Aff (Ontario, CA) 1/4/2015 12:17 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Sheila,

Fear of success is something that I have had to deal with in the past. It left me alone for many years until I joined SFI and saw progress

Years ago, when I took a hard look at my fear of success to the point where I sabotaged each success, I realized I had a fear of failure. I was trying with all of my might; I wanted to win. A part of myself wasn't ready so rather than fail by trying, rather than stopping (thinking that was like quitting), I set myself up to fail.

Why do so many affiliates become inactive shortly after joining SFI?

3683 votes

Victoria Hayton, Aff (Ontario, CA) 1/11/2015 12:44 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Alvin,

Here are my thoughts:

1) Join free, tools are free;

2) The To-Do List is too easy or it's too much like work (same for their own SFI business);

3) They need or want quick money that SFI doesn't just hand to them;

4) They were paid to sign up;

5) Misleading advertising i.e. offering a report and signing up instead;

6) Possibly misleading ads;

7) They are unmotivated/lazy;

8) They think SFI

Which helps my SFI business the most...playing Eager Zebra games or bidding on Pricebenders auctions?

3674 votes

Victoria Hayton, Aff (Ontario, CA) 11/27/2014 10:25 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi, Mohammed,

Well, either one is good for earning bonus action VP (AVP) and MRP (Member Reward Points, and for 126 MRP you can buy 1 Tcredit.)

When the new Bid & Build program came out on a trial basis (now it's for good) I tried it and I reallh liked it! All I had to do was accumulate 50 bids and I would get a new PSA (Personally Sponsored Affiliate) for my team. Maximum two PSAs per day. Easy. Well, I found a nice, friendly NAB (No Auto-Bidder) auction, thanks ever so

Aside from TCredits, S-Builder and PSAs to Go, what other TripleClicks products are great for international members and why?

3646 votes

Victoria Hayton, Aff (Ontario, CA) 11/29/2014 1:40 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Isabel,

I am a firm believer in buying visitors/traffic packages in TripleClicks. For the most part, I purchase different packages for inexpensive (even cheap) or reasonable prices for many visitors from one ECA.

I keep buying from him because I get great products and great service; many times I've had results. (Plus I just like the man, how he is a human bean - I mean being.)

I think visitors/traffic packages are good for anyone because, if you shop around - including

What would be a better goal and why? Sponsor hundreds of new PSAs every year or teach a smaller number of EAs to each develop EAs themselves?

3621 votes

Victoria Hayton, Aff (Ontario, CA) 11/30/2014 1:02 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Ryan,

Well, in my opinion, the ideal would be to do both. You would grow your team(s) faster and you would earn commissions faster.

Granted, with a working team (the trick is to get your team working) of PSAs you earn a higher commission rate, 45% CV, and EA2, 15% CV. Your EAs will have a team each sI think you will gain more due to 1) duplication; and 2) multiplication.

On the other hand, if you take the commissions you will earn from one PSA and one EA2, you

How can I win a Pricebenders auction?

3553 votes

Victoria Hayton, Aff (Ontario, CA) 12/5/2014 12:43 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Slavica,

I have not bid at many auctions but I have come very close to winning several times. (Oh, I thought I would have a heart attack!) I hope I can help you somehow.

I like NAB (No Autobidder) auctions so that I can enjoy the auction (or auctions, as was the case last time until I stayed with one NAB auction.) Also, with a No Autobidder auction there is more control over Tcredit spending, not wasting Tcredits. (Two examples: By bidding too early or just by bidding like