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Is it worthwhile to create individual, personalized welcome letters to new PSAs using information from their Affiliate Profile?

4137 votes

Nimo Ponifasio, Aff (New Zealand) 2/6/2015 12:21 am

Affiliate since: 10/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
The brief answer to this question is Yes.

Right from the start, when you 1st make contact with your new PSA you want to make a good impression.

For you to be able to sponsor that PSA successfully and for him/her to flourish in SFI there must be trust between the two of you. You need that PSA to know that you are real, that you care and that you are genuine in your desire t for him/her to be successful. If these come across in your welcome letter and if throughout your communications

When a person joins SFI, what things are the most important for him or her to do?

4109 votes

Nimo Ponifasio, Aff (New Zealand) 2/6/2015 5:31 am

Affiliate since: 10/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

When new people join SFI, I tell them that the most important things for them to do are as follows:

1. Read. There will be a lot of new information and I encourage them to read and learn about the business. At the same time I also caution them about the fact that they should not allow these to overwhelm them. They are in charge and they can set their own pace regarding how fast or how much they read at any one time, but they must read and understand the SFI and related information.

How can TCredits be used to promote activity in my team?

4091 votes

Nimo Ponifasio, Aff (New Zealand) 3/25/2014 8:49 am

Affiliate since: 10/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Some of the uses are:

Use them to reward those hard working affiliates who will help make you a rich person in the future. So whats a few TCredits now compared to what you will get in return? Look upon your gift as an investment for the future.

Use them as prize for a team competition.

If you see a team member bidding on an auction and is running out of TCredits and you can help - gift them some TCredits immediately. Hopefully he/she will win the auction but the

How is communication best utilized to create robust duplication?

3959 votes

Nimo Ponifasio, Aff (New Zealand) 7/9/2014 7:39 am

Affiliate since: 10/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
To create robust duplication communication needs to be a lot more than just the odd email from you to your team.

As the team leader, the responsibility is yours to form a tight team that works together, helping and supporting each other, trusting each other. If you are able to do this and also with the great example that you set, robust duplication will naturally follow.

And how do you go about developing your team? This is a long process and its hard work but the benefits

How can I build a successful SFI business when I have a team of inactive affiliates and doubtful customers for my TripleClicks store?

3958 votes

Nimo Ponifasio, Aff (New Zealand) 3/18/2014 5:45 am

Affiliate since: 10/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Persevere is the answer.

All the successful members would tell you that they have masses of inactive affiliates. They will also tell you that they have large numbers of people who simply sign up to TripleClicks but seldom or never purchase anything. This is simply part of the business and we have to push past this and persevere. We have to persevere and continue searching for committed affiliates that would see how great this opportunity is. We have to persevere and encourage our inactive

What should I avoid when creating SFI ads?

3927 votes

Nimo Ponifasio, Aff (New Zealand) 7/8/2014 8:08 am

Affiliate since: 10/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Avoid the following:

- giving the impression of instant riches - if you sign up
- stating how much a person would earn - within a period
- offering 'bribe' for signing up - money or product etc..
- giving promises of easy money - don't have to do much work
- 'bad mouthing' other similar business - by name or insinuations
- providing incorrect data/information - need to be very accurate
- revealing how much you or others have earned in SFI - this is frowned

SFI represents multiple income earning opportunities. Should I focus on just one, some, or ALL?

3920 votes

Nimo Ponifasio, Aff (New Zealand) 3/17/2014 9:41 pm

Affiliate since: 10/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Unless you are well established I would recommend that you stick with the 1st 3 earning streams. These are interlocked and you really cannot advance without focusing on them first. It would be unwise to focus on just one and ignore the other 2.

Other than what I have outlined below there are other income streams, as you are well aware but I would highly recommend that you focus on these and set up your business on a firm base. You can always have a look at the others at a later stage.

1. Accumulating

What's the best way to gain the attention of Second Home CSAs and get them active again?

3864 votes

Nimo Ponifasio, Aff (New Zealand) 7/8/2014 8:25 am

Affiliate since: 10/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Keep on keeping on - sending them messages/making contact with them.

They are obviously not login in to SFI so send messages to their email addresses. If you can connect with them on social networks - Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.. do so.

Get alongside them and talk about how you are getting on at SFI. Be positive. Talk about the new things happening within SFI eg the new games. Answer any of their queries and let them understand that they are missing out on an amazing

How can I use Skype and YouTube to promote SFI and TripleClicks?

3831 votes

Nimo Ponifasio, Aff (New Zealand) 7/8/2014 7:10 am

Affiliate since: 10/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
YouTube is the way to go as its one of the fastest growing medium today and the range of people who look at YouTube is vast. Its not restricted to the young anymore. It appears that people nowadays do not want to spend too much time reading websites etc.. but they will spend a long time watching YouTube videos.

To use YouTube, simply prepare a video an upload this to YouTube. The video can be an active one with people acting out roles, it could be just one person (front person) presenting,

What is the most important goal you've set for your SFI business and why?

3818 votes

Nimo Ponifasio, Aff (New Zealand) 1/4/2015 6:20 pm

Affiliate since: 10/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
The most important goal I have set for my SFI business is for myself and team members to be awesome sponsors and team leaders.
I realise that this will not be achieved overnight but with determination and persistence I am certain the gol is attainable.
I believe that if I really focs on developing my sponsorship an leadership skills m team members will naturally see what I am doing and step up to be leaders and grow duplicaion.
I can easily measure the successes by the number of active