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How much time a day, approximately, do I need to invest in SFI to build a profitable business?

4222 votes

Alton Riklon, Aff (Marshall islands, US) 11/11/2014 11:49 pm

Affiliate since: 02/26/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
That's a question we individually have to adjust to. To me it's not a matter of time I spent on SFI it's the best time to spend in SFI.

It doesn't really matter if you spent countless hours working your SFI you're just going to work yourself to death. It's a scientific fact that everyone of us have a peak time during the day. That's when your senses are most alert. For example, there are people are more alert during the morning and some during night time.

Find your peak time

What long-term goal(s) should an affiliate be setting for themselves?

4105 votes

Alton Riklon, Aff (Marshall islands, US) 6/30/2014 1:41 am

Affiliate since: 02/26/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
A good long term goal in SFI if you're an affiliate is to create a least 5 active affilliates in your sponsorship. Then train them to do exactly what you're doing. When training your affiliates can be a long term thing because first it takes time to find active people. People who will take this seriously they are like finding a needle in a heystack. So, to find those people you have to go out there promote SFI, you have to be willing to feel challenged and resistance.

Where are the best places to post advertising flyers?

4105 votes

Alton Riklon, Aff (Marshall islands, US) 4/21/2014 6:41 pm

Affiliate since: 02/26/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
To me posting flyers is like a science. You can try posting your flyers in places where they already have active shoppers ready to spend. Especially, when the place offers items that cost more than Tripleclicks.

Try to study the people who are shopping in that area. Observe what kind of products they usually buy there and if you can communicate with them to find out more about their shopping habits.

Then, when you have wrapped your mind on the whys, when, where,whats, hows,

What are the things about SFI that most convince people to join?

4095 votes

Alton Riklon, Aff (Marshall islands, US) 4/15/2014 1:26 am

Affiliate since: 02/26/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
There are several reasons people feel compelled to join SFI. First, SFI is free unlike many other opportunities out there. SFI is a company that's been in business for over 10 years, which proves SFI's stability and commitment. Most of the training resources and tools are free to use and start profiting. SFI is backed up with 120,000 products ready to be marketed by affiliates 24/7. These are just few of the reasons that has convinced people to join SFI.

How does a2a help me build my SFI business?

4071 votes

Alton Riklon, Aff (Marshall islands, US) 4/22/2014 12:57 am

Affiliate since: 02/26/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
a2a is on of the best ways you will need to build you SFI business since you can only reach success through networking. a2a have loads of people who might have the answer to any question you have regarding your SFI or Tripleclicks business. In any business you need people to succeed same with SFI and a2a is a great way getting you connected with actual people who have the same interest has you.

Is SFI good for students (18 or older)? Why or why not?

3864 votes

Alton Riklon, Aff (Marshall islands, US) 4/16/2014 9:54 pm

Affiliate since: 02/26/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
SFI is perfect for students 18 and older. At this age you're brain is still incline to receive and drink information easily. On top of that you're at an age where you're still building your life to it's fullest and SFI is there growing alongside you. If there was a perfect time to start with SFI 18 years of age got my vote.

How can you be an SFI Team Leader if you're not a born leader?

3657 votes

Alton Riklon, Aff (Marshall islands, US) 6/2/2014 10:09 pm

Affiliate since: 02/26/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Not everyone is born a leader most people are not that leaders anyway. Leaders are molded by their circumstances. In SFI you learn to be a leader just by reading the rich information that is given the only part missing is you taking actions. You can start by read up on these links and follow through with actions.


What would be a better goal and why? Sponsor hundreds of new PSAs every year or teach a smaller number of EAs to each develop EAs themselves?

3626 votes

Alton Riklon, Aff (Marshall islands, US) 11/29/2014 10:51 pm

Affiliate since: 02/26/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Sponsoring is one of the major discussions SFI teaches from our early days with this amazing company. Sponsoring people to join SFI is the easy part, which is fine, however, if you want to boost up you time in creating wealth finding the right affiliates is a challenge. Plus, the goal here is to create wealth with less effort(s), and time as much possible right? You wouldn't want to waste time and effort on 100 affiliates who will not lift a finger to help themselves right?

I suggest

I am not very good at talking to people. How can I talk to them about SFI or TripleClicks in a simple and easy way?

3590 votes

Alton Riklon, Aff (Marshall islands, US) 4/29/2014 5:15 pm

Affiliate since: 02/26/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
To talk to people about SFI can be difficult no doubt, especially when you're the quiet type. However, it doesn't have to be like that. When talking about SFI I personally find it easier to communicate my message out by talking about SFI like having friendly and fun conversations with friends. It's like you saw a movie that struck your interest and you can't help it, but talk about it with people you know.

Another effective technique that you may find helpful is targeting their emotions.

Is it better to build a team within your own spoken language and environment...or go beyond these boundaries ?

3582 votes

Alton Riklon, Aff (Marshall islands, US) 1/12/2015 3:28 pm

Affiliate since: 02/26/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Building a team within your comfort zone is fine, but it won't give much exposure and growth in you.

Comfort and safety doesn't really cause much commotion and it gets boring. When you go beyond any boundary it will be chaotic, because you're moving into uncharted territory.

So, I encourage you to go beyond to explore your full potential. The more pressure you get the higher you'll spring up to the occasion.
