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Has anyone used Skype or other video chat service with their team members...and was it effective?

2620 votes

Kathryn Goering, Aff (Georgia, US) 3/18/2013 4:00 am

Affiliate since: 02/22/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I haven't used Skype with SFI, but I have and still use it with another program, however it is used mostly for messaging and announcements in that program. I have not used the extensive features that are available.

As yet, I don't need to use Skype with my PSAs since I know both of them and they are local. I have been unable to connect with any of my CSAs although I continually send Team Mail and ask if they need any help.

I hope that I will soon have a larger involved Team

If you had to start over with SFI, having the knowledge and tools you have now that you didn't have before, what would you do differently?

2343 votes

Kathryn Goering, Aff (Georgia, US) 5/15/2013 6:28 pm

Affiliate since: 02/22/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I would have started reading the Forum Posts and News Posts on the homepage from day one and realized that I needed to check them several times a day. There is such good information in them. And often I don't have time to just go to the Forum, but I may find a link or a referral in these posts that will take me to a specific page that answers a question that I have.

I also don't have enough time some days to spend at IAHBE, so I would have set up a specific time in my schedule sooner

What are the benefits of using an auto-responder system in SFI...or should I not use one?

1589 votes

Kathryn Goering, Aff (Georgia, US) 3/7/2013 10:05 pm

Affiliate since: 02/22/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Auto-responders are actually discouraged by SFI. However, SFI does have something similar to an auto-responder. We have Team Mails, PSA, CSA and Genealogy Mailers. With these, if you keep the messages as a reference for yourself, you can send them out as needed for Welcome or Encouragement to people as they enter your downline and as they progress through SFI.

A true auto-responder can be good for recruiting as long as you tell those who have joined this way that they should unsubscribe

In one sentence, how do you respond when someone asks you about the business you are involved in?

1475 votes

Kathryn Goering, Aff (Georgia, US) 3/7/2013 10:11 pm

Affiliate since: 02/22/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I am an internet marketer and entrepreneur involved with SFI which is a company established in 1998 with an A+ rating at the Better Business Bureau and which is free to join to recruit associates and recruit customers for our TripleClicks store, where business sell items at discounted prices and where members can sell personal items, as well; once you join for free it is up to you whether you want to put in money to grow your business or keep working it for free.

I think the TripleClicks TCards are a great marketing tool. To whom would you give the cards to and why?

1324 votes

Kathryn Goering, Aff (Georgia, US) 3/7/2013 10:13 pm

Affiliate since: 02/22/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I would give them to my downline so that they learn duplication and get to know the TripleClicks and/or PriceBenders areas of SFI. They would also be a good reward for the winner of a contest.

I would also spread them around the community. You never know where someone could be who might either be interested in the business or interested in getting business as an ECA