The core work of SFI is "duplication" simply explained it is a team effort. And we know that what you can achieve as a team has compound results. This alone is one big advantage to you.
* you draw on the strengths of an organisation that has over 16 years of experience being online - this is bound to enhance your knowledge and improve your overall income;
* as a team, you also create an income stream through matching VPs and the potential to earn through this is exceptionally high;
* a steady second income generated through SFI helps individuals who may not have a regular assured daily job but having a consistent income through team building at SFI ensures their livelihood.
* you are not dependent on anyone else to provide for you in times of recession or other economic downturns - you are shadowed from the psychological trauma of having to give up a full time job, not out of choice but being forced to;
* you have the advantage of flexibility of working hours and fewer expenses of having to commute to a full time job;
* it is your business, you are not answerable to anyone except yourself over the progress of your business;
* you need minimal or no capital investment with SFI this reduces your need to borrow funds from a third party which if you did, would place you under another financial obligation and commitment. You avoid this by having another income stream.
* a second income can be seen as a savings for your future requirements or any emergencies you are likely to come across. In countries which have poor infrastructure and work benefits may not be as sophisticated, you become self-reliant knowing that you have another income stream to rely on.
People will always be short of money, some of us are good savers, some are not but it is motivating to know that you have income coming in regularly into your account.
The core work of SFI is "duplication" simply explained it is a team effort. And we know that what you can achieve as a team has compound results. This alone is one big advantage to you.
* you draw on the strengths of an organisation that has over 16 years of experience being online - this is bound to enhance your knowledge and improve your overall income;
* as a team, you also create an income stream through matching VPs and the potential to earn through this is