Dear Ovidio,
You should feel lucky and honored if an old SFI affiliate of yours becomes active again. In the first instant, he/she might not have understood the concept of SFI, or must have been overwhelmed by the information contained in SFI. Now that he/she has taken a re-plunge into the business, do not let this opportunity go by. Do the following necessary actions:
1. Send a welcome message once again. May be he/she did not receive it last time.
2. Send a E-Card welcome message to him/her with an appropriate image.
3. Make contact with her/him through Face book, Twitter, Skype etc. to keep all the communications open.
4. Ask him/her if she needs any support, guidance or help. Tell them the importance of working together as a team for a common goal to succeed in SFI business.
5. Assure him/her that you are available here to help grow their SFI business as your progress is directly connected with their progress.
6. Tell them that this time they should never miss a day. Everyday they should log in to SFI Home page and read information contained on “To-do-list”
7. Tell them to read “Launch Pad lessons time and again to understand the SFI business fully & ask you if any doubt arises in their mind.
8. If they cannot afford to set up a standing order in the beginning, the best thing for them would be sponsoring & recruiting SFI & Triple Members.
9. They should during this idle period read all the information contained under various heading and be ready to get started within a month or two.
10. After being well versed with SFI and TripleClicks business, they should read the tab “Get Started”.
11. In opposite case when they have funds to invest for a Standing Order, they can begin their SFI business by reading “Get Started” tab and listening to Gery Carson’s Video
Hope this help everyone, Cheers & Good Luck !!
Dear Ovidio,
You should feel lucky and honored if an old SFI affiliate of yours becomes active again. In the first instant, he/she might not have understood the concept of SFI, or must have been overwhelmed by the information contained in SFI. Now that he/she has taken a re-plunge into the business, do not let this opportunity go by. Do the following necessary actions:
1. Send a welcome message once again. May be he/she did not receive it last time.
2. Send a E-Card