Good day Rev Samuel,
This is everyone's ultimate goal in the new year and with a plan, set goals, commitment, focus and strategy, we can achieve success in our business.
There is the saying that little drops make a mighty ocean. Likewise, doing our daily, weekly and monthly tasks regularly non stop will aid us achieving some of our goals. For instance, if we had a shop, we need to open to our customers everyday at 8am and close 6pm having in mind that when we don't open, we would not sell for that day. Likewise, the same is applicable in our SFI business. If we don't log on, we do not get the Versa Points for the day.
Another thing I would do differently is to advertise more aggresively. Towards the end of last year, it was stated that before you can become a Team Leader for instance, Bronze Team Leader, you must have at least 1 EA2 first level. This is the new twist unlike before you can be a Team Leader without having an active team. This I agree and i would work harder to help recruit at least 5 active team members to help rise in Team Leader ranks and aid Duplication easier. This would have a positive significance as your active PSAs would be someone's CSAs helping to reduce redundancy and Inactive PSAs that would be churned by SFI.
Another aspect I would look into differently in 2016 is Tripleclicks sales. As we all know that Tripleclicks is our online store. When we refer friends, family members to shop on tripleclicks, for each purchase, made by them, we get a commission. Going on out with my Tripleclicks x cards and distribute to propects will go a long way. Likewise, giving of Tripleclicks gift cards to prospects will help generate sales and PRMs.
Another aspect that I would look into this 2016 is the use of the Price bender auctions to my advantage to get household items at reduced prices. I personally have been guilty about not actively participating in the auctions for the fear of not winning. But I have come to realise this that its a win-win situation. If I don't win the auctions, I still get mrps an action VersaPoints for each bid. For each 10 bid, a possible full PSA or part PSA. So its a win win situation as I will gradually build my team.
Also, another aspect I would look into wisely is the efficient and effective use of my t credits which I buy on a monthly basis. To avoid me losing them after a year of purchase, I decided to list unwanted items in my home thereby, creating traffic to tripleclicks and likely sales of the items. Also during my leisure time play Eager Zebra Games with my t credits. Each bid gives 1 AVP which helps in build my rank.
Also, what I will do differently this 2016 is to inspire my team members more so that they know that they made the right decisions via the testimonial of other affiliates. Remember, actions is what people want and for such we need to back what we are saying for them to belìeve before we get any commitment.
In 2016, what I would do differnetly is to give full support to my PSAs and CSAs so that they know I am always there for them and that they can count on me. In otherwords, if I am an awesome sponsor, I will get nothing but the best for my team.
In 2016, I intend growing my team further by recognising my hard working affilaites that have been committed and offering my support by issuing a gift certificates if I see that they have achieved or reached certain parameters.
The above is my strategy which I have designed for 2016 for my business to grow and succeed. With that, training my active affilaites in the team to Duplicatè my actions, there would be no limit to my earnings.
All the best
Good day Rev Samuel,
This is everyone's ultimate goal in the new year and with a plan, set goals, commitment, focus and strategy, we can achieve success in our business.
There is the saying that little drops make a mighty ocean. Likewise, doing our daily, weekly and monthly tasks regularly non stop will aid us achieving some of our goals. For instance, if we had a shop, we need to open to our customers everyday at 8am and close 6pm having in mind that when we don't open,