There are a few things that I look at first before sending a welcome message.
First thing I look at is the time and date of the signup.
Was it a weekend, weekday, early in the morning your time, or late in the day your time.
Look at the country.
This helps with language translation.
Next I look at the email address they signed up with.
Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, etc.
What are the social networks related.
Am I a member of that social network, if not, I may consider signing up for a social network I'm not a part of, just in case they are not logging in, and receiving any messages.
I will do my best to try and be online for a live chat, in extreme cases.
The first thing I usually do, is send a brief thank you message, in plain text, via email. I try to send it using the same network, they are on, whether its gmail, yahoo, or other.
Mainly, I do send the welcome message within 24 hours, at or around the time of their signup, if I missed them when they were online.
If there is still no response, I either make an attempt to find them by searching the internet for their name, or email address to see what they have done so far, where I may find them, in order to let them know that I'm doing my best to make first contact.
Sometimes it works, sometimes, its just a bot, or someone out to harvest email addresses.
When I get thru, its worth it.
There are a few things that I look at first before sending a welcome message.
First thing I look at is the time and date of the signup.
Was it a weekend, weekday, early in the morning your time, or late in the day your time.
Look at the country.
This helps with language translation.
Next I look at the email address they signed up with.
Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, etc.
What are the social networks related.
Am I a member