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Should a person go for the rank of Team Leader if they don't yet have a team?

6913 votes

R Subbaiah Sastry, Aff (India) 6/26/2015 12:34 pm

Affiliate since: 10/11/2014, Power Rank: 296
The first stage for any affiliate in SFI is Fast Track. This is not the situation when he starts building up his own team. After reaching Executive Affiliate, he will start contemplating to have his own people in his own team who will work for him to build up the business.The question to be considered is whether he can acquire Team Leadership without his own members.The straight and simple answer is he cannot. When we go deep in to the reasons:
1.He did not have enough of experience in SFI

There are many actions in SFI for which you can earn VersaPoints. Which is the action you should recommend to your downline to focus on and why?

6892 votes

R Subbaiah Sastry, Aff (India) 3/31/2015 8:19 pm

Affiliate since: 10/11/2014, Power Rank: 296
The question is interesting and intriguing.
On daily basis if you attend @12 per day for the month you get 360 points. Viewing it from the consistency angle, this is advantageous. Then we have one point each for certain items like garage sales and listing @ 1 point for listing.The maximum are 50 points. The fact of the matter is we cannot have items of domestic nature that are disposable every day. Hence on a single day in a month you can list out 5or 6 items at a time and be done with

With the new Team Leader qualification requirement and the new Signing Bonuses, how will this change your business strategies?

6706 votes

R Subbaiah Sastry, Aff (India) 12/25/2015 9:45 am

Affiliate since: 10/11/2014, Power Rank: 296
It is an interesting question. Why because, it poses a problem and shows a solution-a powerful solution! Let me a bit elaborate on it:

The problem it has posed is stipulation that every Team Leader from Jan, 2016 on must have at least one PSA in his/her Geneology in order to claim the Leadership benefits. This is really a problem since most of the Affiliates--be it PSAs or CSAs--are inactive and entire community of SFI is aware of this harsh reality! So far, the Affiliates (Team Leaders)

How best to promote SFI to prospects who have no experience with online business?

6615 votes

R Subbaiah Sastry, Aff (India) 4/5/2015 11:08 pm

Affiliate since: 10/11/2014, Power Rank: 296
The prospects whom you are contacting may not be aware of online business. The second possibility is they might be knowing the online business and they are even capable of doing it, but they do not have a system (Desk Top,Lap Top etc.,). It is also possible that they have the system, but do not have Internet. They have everything with them but are skeptical about the on line business, as many people around them tried to do the business online and have lost their investment for various reasons.

What are the top selling points of SFI that should be highlighted to any potential prospect?

6588 votes

R Subbaiah Sastry, Aff (India) 10/9/2015 11:32 am

Affiliate since: 10/11/2014, Power Rank: 296
Top Selling Points to be highlighted while talking to a potential Prospect:

1. We are talking about an International Online company which has an Alexa rating of 6261; globally and in USA it is rated 17379. It is affiliated to/recognized by BBB (Best Business Bureau).

2.It has a long history of more than 26 years, though it is redesignated as SFI (Strong Future International) 16 years back. The number of members enrolled (more than 60.4 millions) speaks for itself.


When should I start buying PSAs?

6373 votes

R Subbaiah Sastry, Aff (India) 10/6/2015 1:46 am

Affiliate since: 10/11/2014, Power Rank: 296
After joining SFI, we need initial warming up time. During this time we get acquainted with the Organization Basics, its operations, the compensation methods, To-Do items etc.,This is actually initial period of knowing what is what & where is what. Then we will start working on To-Do items. In case we are zealous enough we will be reaching Fast Track and Executive Affiliate.

Once the initial introductory period is over, we feel an urge to have our own team and start working up with

What do I say to an affiliate who complains he's not getting as much out of SFI as he's putting into it?

6186 votes

R Subbaiah Sastry, Aff (India) 10/13/2015 11:05 am

Affiliate since: 10/11/2014, Power Rank: 296
The question is quite interesting, and if I may say so, it looks a bit funny though not ridiculous!
What is the substantiation for the above observations?

1.First of all, the Sponsor needs to go in to the details to know what is the investment he/she had made? Is it time, energy or money? If it is time or energy, i would like to say that I have opted for the business and I have to put in the best of my efforts. In order for that if I have to spend time or energy I have to do that

What's the biggest turn-off that I should avoid talking about to prospects for SFI?

6138 votes

R Subbaiah Sastry, Aff (India) 12/7/2014 3:12 am

Affiliate since: 10/11/2014, Power Rank: 296
In on-line businesses, the person prospecting is not face to face with the person prospected. This is a tricky situation having both the positive and negative intonations. Positive in the sense that whatever you want to say you can do so frankly and in a forthright way. Negative aspect is: A prospect is 'GLASS WITH CARE.' It means that he/she needs to be handled very subtly. The precautions we have to follow mandatorily are:

i Kindly find out he or she is interested at all in the online

I'm an EA2. What should my next objective be and how should I fulfill it?

6041 votes

R Subbaiah Sastry, Aff (India) 10/13/2015 9:26 am

Affiliate since: 10/11/2014, Power Rank: 296
The question is very interesting. But the answer to that is paradoxically with you only!
I think you did not have an objective before enrolling yourself in to SFI! In case that is so, please try to fix for your self an objective of you own. You may discuss with your nearest person, whosoever it is in case you are not clear about your objective. There is nothing wrong in consulting them. Know why I am saying this? 'cause that is going to goad you, tease you and lead you to your real

In my weekly communications to my PSAs and CSAs, what can I write to motivate them to become more active?

5978 votes

R Subbaiah Sastry, Aff (India) 12/25/2015 11:02 am

Affiliate since: 10/11/2014, Power Rank: 296
Motivating PSAs/CSAs to become more active:

The question is moot and significant especially in the light of the latest announcement of Sign Up Bonus by SFI..

It has to be seen very clearly that it is possible to give any amount of encouragement or pepping up the spirit of PSAs/CSAs in case they are convinced of the great efforts being made relentlessly by the SFI!
A few of them are :Free Registration, Infrastructure facilities like Power Tools such as Geneology, facilities