Ritu Anand,
There are certain necessities that are required to be fulfilled and maintained by the E-Commerce Associate in order to develop and grow his or her business. Some of the factors on which the ECA business depends on are furnished hereinbelow for the benefit of existing ECAs.
1. The speciality and necessity of the Products that are being sold eg. FMCG- Fast Moving Consumer Goods.
2. Availability and Stocking of the products to avoid delays in delivery.
3. Quality consciousness of products and services.
4. Delivery Time of the products i.e., perfect delivery at the shortest time.
5. After Sales & Service enquiries i.e., Customer Relationship Management.
6. Cost or Price competition i.e., ability to charge the lowest price to beat fellow competitors.
7. Highlight the advantages of buying from ECA vis a vis from local retail stores.
8. Anything else which you offer than can be of interest such as offers, rebates etc.
The total benefits in terms of Commission & VersaPoints should be quite attractive for everyone including your Team Members to decide favorably.
In addition to the above, what sort of support you will provide them to promote the products, will help them to analize the pros and cons & take a decision to stock and sell your products among your down-line team members.
Ritu Anand,
There are certain necessities that are required to be fulfilled and maintained by the E-Commerce Associate in order to develop and grow his or her business. Some of the factors on which the ECA business depends on are furnished hereinbelow for the benefit of existing ECAs.
1. The speciality and necessity of the Products that are being sold eg. FMCG- Fast Moving Consumer Goods.
2. Availability and Stocking