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What are some good tips for winning the Eager Zebra Gold Streak game?

5889 votes

Jacob Kurian, Aff (India) 9/26/2014 2:22 am

Affiliate since: 07/25/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Navneet,

All Eager Zebra games are very interesting to play and it all depends on individuals liking.
I mostly play and try my luck in Knockout Trivia game and won 3 times.

Regarding Eager Zebra Gold Streak Game there is no right or wrong answers. This game depends on most popular or least popular answers. Most and least popular answers are already set in Eager Zebra Survey.

Achieving the longest streaks each day is fun and challenging


An affiliate logs in after a long period of inactivity. Should I acknowledge this? And if so, what should I say?

5726 votes

Jacob Kurian, Aff (India) 9/26/2014 2:54 am

Affiliate since: 07/25/2014, Power Rank: 99999999

You should acknowledge this. There may be many reasons for his/her inactivity. You should welcome, congratulate, and recognize your affiliates. You should encourage, motivate them to stay with SFI and tell them to log on everyday whenever they find time for few minutes at least. This is your own business; check the progress of it every day.

Send them E-cards which are available for free.
You can tell them that “I have been looking for you, where were you, Please

When you initiate an online chat with a new PSA, what should you discuss?

4891 votes

Jacob Kurian, Aff (India) 9/3/2014 5:28 am

Affiliate since: 07/25/2014, Power Rank: 99999999

We should greet and welcome them to your team and tell them that you are their sponsor in SFI and if you need any help, don't hesitate to contact me at( give your e-mail ID). Build a good reliable relationship with them. Ask them about purpose of their joining SFI.

Tell them that they have come to right place where they can make money and fulfill their dreams.

Tell them that SFI business is not so complicated as people think of it. It is very very easy provided

I'm an ECA. Will getting a TCurrency License help to increase my sales?

4792 votes

Jacob Kurian, Aff (India) 9/3/2014 7:48 am

Affiliate since: 07/25/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Randy,

Definitely it will increase your sales. TCurrency is part of SFI's LocalPay program.
TCurrency is nothing but a digital money, TCurrency is a virtual currency. It can be used to buy products at TripleClicks there by increasing the sales.

Many people are interested to buy the products at TripleClicks but are hesitant to use real cash from their banks or don't have credit cards, cash etc.they can use TCurrency to buy products ,standing orders.

I am

How can I increase my earnings with SFI?

4755 votes

Jacob Kurian, Aff (India) 10/3/2014 7:09 am

Affiliate since: 07/25/2014, Power Rank: 99999999

First of we all have joined SFI to earn money. N0 one has joined SFI to pass their valuable time.
SFI is all about duplication. Now to increase our earnings in SFI we must recruit more and more people and tell them to duplicate as we did.

We have to earn more and more VersaPoints. To earn more VPs we should be having matching VP.
Matching VPs are earned if your PSA/CSA has achieved EA level.

For example you have earned 2000VP a month and your PSA/CSA

If you're new in SFI and new to marketing, etc., how can you help a new PSA who needs guidance?

4677 votes

Jacob Kurian, Aff (India) 10/3/2014 6:50 am

Affiliate since: 07/25/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
I did not have any experience in this business before joining
You can tell your PSA that first I was also reluctant to join SFI but after joining this I came to know that this is the wonderful and easy business which I can do without much difficulty. Only thing you need is Patience, perseverance.
You have to read and read about all the articles about SFI to be successful. My upline team members never helped me in any way. I have reached this position because of my own efforts. But still

Why should I remain focused on my SFI business when there are other companies offering me allegedly similar opportunities?

4556 votes

Jacob Kurian, Aff (India) 9/18/2014 1:27 am

Affiliate since: 07/25/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
The mark of a successful company can be seen in its track record. SFI is now in its 16th year, with millions of dollars in annual sales and millions paid in commissions to thousands of affiliates around the world.

Mr. Gery Carson, SFI President and CEO, and founder of SFI, has been a pioneering force in the direct mail and Internet marketing industries for more than two decades.

First and foremost thing is it is free to join; you don’t have to invest any money to earn.

How do you benefit financially from the efforts of your PSAs?

4518 votes

Jacob Kurian, Aff (India) 10/3/2014 6:12 am

Affiliate since: 07/25/2014, Power Rank: 99999999

BY the efforts of your PSA you get matching VP if they become EA,
You get 45% of direct commission on any product they purchase from TripleClicks.
You get some percentage of TC if they win in some of the Eager Zebra Games.
There are many other benefits from the efforts of your PSA.
But first of all you have to push/motivate your PSA to accomplish the task.

Should I encourage or discourage my PSAs who want to become Team Leaders right away?

4414 votes

Jacob Kurian, Aff (India) 9/18/2014 3:09 am

Affiliate since: 07/25/2014, Power Rank: 99999999

We should always encourage and never discourage any one who joines SFI. If you discourage they will feel not motivated and will be in the quitters list.

But you should tell your PSA that there’s no reason for being a Team Leader unless you actually have a team!

All of the major financial benefits of being a Team Leader are derived from the override commissions (i.e., Matching VP) you earn on your team members.

Therefore, if you want to be a Team

What is the best Eager Zebra game to generate TCredits, VP, and MRP?

4385 votes

Jacob Kurian, Aff (India) 9/18/2014 1:35 am

Affiliate since: 07/25/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
All Eager Zebra games are interesting and good to play it depends on individuals as to which game he/she likes the most. There are many Eager Zebra games to play for free or by using

Tcredits and generate TCredits, VP, and MRP

GOLD STREAK: Play for just one TCredit. No purchase necessary to win. Build one of the longest streaks of correctly answered questions for the day, and you’ll win a share of the big daily Gold Streak Zackpot!

TD TALLY: Play each week for