How do I assure that duplication happens in those I sponsor?
Vickie Minchew, Aff (Arkansas, US)
6/5/2014 7:21 am
Affiliate since: 04/17/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
You can never be sure what your downline is doing for sure.
But you can connect with them, Become there friend, Get to know them and Who they are.
Email them and tell them of your great experiences with a certain Banner or email ad.
Ask them what there doing to promote there own SFI Business.
Getting to know someone on a personal level is the best and only way to know what they are really doing.
Remember your downlines your SFI affiliates not your employees. They are here for the same reason you are.
Keeping in touch with them is the only way
You can never be sure what your downline is doing for sure.
But you can connect with them, Become there friend, Get to know them and Who they are.
Email them and tell them of your great experiences with a certain Banner or email ad.
Ask them what there doing to promote there own SFI Business.
Getting to know someone on a personal level is the best and only way to know what they are really doing.
Remember your downlines your SFI affiliates not
How can you be an SFI Team Leader if you're not a born leader?
Vickie Minchew, Aff (Arkansas, US)
6/5/2014 6:56 am
Affiliate since: 04/17/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Being a Leader is a choice not a gene. You choose everyday rather to get out of bed or not, to wear make-up or not, curl your hair or not, You make choices all day everyday Choose to be a Leader with that same determination and confidence. The answers to questions are there you will find that SFI makes it easy to become a leader. With patience and determination you will succeed at being a leader in SFI