Every affiliate has this problem. I would say that the best advice you can get is right here at SFI. So read/re-read all of the Marketing tips available.
Whatever you are doing that is not working stop. Try something else.
Your upline should pass you insider tips or should have a co-op for recruiting in place. Try that.
You could take a tried and true route and let the experts who are passing on their methods through paid referrals take control and although it requires some investment of money it will get those feet in the door. Depending on your budget there are a number of these available. S builder co-ops, PSA packages and Auctions for PSA's are available daily.
Here are some tips for recruiting for free:
If you are advertising online change where you are advertising at. If many SFI folks are using the same place to advertise your ads will not bring forth as many possible new affiliates.
If you have written a blog and are advertising it change where you are promoting it.
Try a social networking.. Write your own recruiting ad and post it Use your own email as a contact me for information. This way your recruit will have more information directly from you their sponsor.
Look for a forum where you can talk to other folks about both SFI and TripleClicks. Doing your homework about the forum and bring in available products pertaining to the forum subjects that may attract customers is ideal. For instance a forum for folks interested in new technology would be a great place to attract affiliates for the electronic Auctions. These people are wanting to buy already and could see the potential of acquiring those items for a fraction of the cost.
One inexpensive method of recruiting is buying banner ads there are many for sale on TripleClicks.
Although I am still new here on SFI I am not new to internet marketing and have had some success in affiliate marketing already. As a result I use some paid to methods to help me with marketing expenses. There are many programs available for free ad credits and even some that have both ad credits and cash money. So if your advertising on the program and it doesn't get you referrals the money you earn could go towards a paid ad that could be more effective.
No matter the method you use keep trying different ones until you get results and don't give up or surrender.
Every affiliate has this problem. I would say that the best advice you can get is right here at SFI. So read/re-read all of the Marketing tips available.
Whatever you are doing that is not working stop. Try something else.
Your upline should pass you insider tips or should have a co-op for recruiting in place. Try that.
You could take a tried and true route and let the experts who are passing on their methods through paid referrals take control and although it requires