Hi Milos,
When considering a product to market from TripleClicks there are several considerations.
1. Review the products is it solving a need that is universal.
2 The cost of the product, does it have a good price point that make it's
pricing appealing to the customer. Cost: both item cost and competitors cost.
Is the cost cheaper and quality better outside the TripleClicks venue. How much does
shipping cost weigh into the product cost? If it does is the
quantity and quality appealing to the consumer.
3.What will create a win-win situation for you and you customers. They get something
that meets their needs and they like it. They will repeat buy the
product and you earn CV,DV,VP from the sale and you have a loyal customer.
4. Know what you are good at selling. You can have a good product but if you are not
confident in selling/pushing the product it may not get you the results you
want. Know your product inside in out as this will help to create fresh material
to market to. In knowing your product know your audience. For example ages 16-55
may be interested in electronics and technology, while ages 18+ may be interested in
health, fitness and beauty products. How you advertise your products will need to
take this into account.
5.Selling the product shouldn't be a chore or a job. Rather something you look forward
to creating advertising campaigns for and getting the word out about your wonderful
6. I didn't list any products because this is the journey that you have to take to
decide which one as their are many products for TriplcClicks that will meet all of
the above. Aim High, Dream Big.
Hi Milos,
When considering a product to market from TripleClicks there are several considerations.
1. Review the products is it solving a need that is universal.
2 The cost of the product, does it have a good price point that make it's
pricing appealing to the customer. Cost: both item cost and competitors cost.
Is the cost cheaper and quality better outside the TripleClicks venue. How much does
shipping cost weigh into the product cost? If it does is the