Each and everyone of the Standing Orders gives you an option of gaining 1,500 VP and each and everyone of them has its own Pros and Cons.
The questions you need to ask yourself to make this decision are:
1. How much have you got to spend every month? What is my Budget?
2. Which of the three would suit your business needs most?
3. How good are you with Internet Marketing and Marketing in general?
4. The quantity of each item, how many can I buy within the budget I have set?
Once you have the answers to the above questions, you will than need to decide what suits you best, if you have enough money to purchase all three, than don't hesitate to do so. I have made a sacrifice to get all three, and here are some of my reasons, which may help you decide on how to make your decision:
- this program has various sites and books that help me to learn how to Market my business and the products that I am interested in, as well as too encourage others to become SFI affiliates.
- It is focussed on Home Businesses, so it is well suited for my situation, as well as being based on others who have been down the road that I am travelling.
2. S-Builder
- being in a country that the Internet is still fairly new, people are very sceptical in listening to your Business Strategies and ideas, the fear of the unknown is very high, but does not mean I am going to give up, I am going to show them that this is viable and prove to them it is safe and profitable.
- In light of the above, it is easier to have some assistance to get PSA's and build my business, and once I have the evidence on hand, than I can got out there and encourage these sceptics, that if I can do it, so can they.
3. T Credits
- use them has prizes to encourage your PSA's to become EA's
- Use on buying or bidding on something you need that you can't get within the area you live in, especially if you win an auction and pay only a fraction of the actual cost
I hope that with how I made my decision, that will assist you in making your decision. Every decision can be changed, so you don't need to feel like you are trapped by your decision and no one is going to judge you. Please keep enjoying SFI and building your business.
Each and everyone of the Standing Orders gives you an option of gaining 1,500 VP and each and everyone of them has its own Pros and Cons.
The questions you need to ask yourself to make this decision are:
1. How much have you got to spend every month? What is my Budget?
2. Which of the three would suit your business needs most?
3. How good are you with Internet Marketing and Marketing in general?
4. The quantity of each item, how many can I buy