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I just created a league for Gold Streak. What would be some good text to include with the invitation link?

4573 votes

Juana Camacho, Aff (Philippines) 11/1/2015 3:59 am

Affiliate since: 07/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
League for Gold Streak is a nice one. This game is so interesting and educational.

Besides learning in this game, with your 1 T credit you can also earn versapoints, this versapoint we need at the end of the month to obtain your desired status.

Goodluck to your Gold Streak League.

Hope you succeed.

What is the best strategy to win the E365 Championship for my class?

4485 votes

Juana Camacho, Aff (Philippines) 2/26/2014 7:45 pm

Affiliate since: 07/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
As long as you logged in to your account daily, follow all the given training by SFI, read and re read always all the Power Tools provided for us by SFI for free, I think it is already the best strategy to win in the E365 Championship in your class.

Also if you can invest some amount, inorder to have your Standing Order that automatically gives your EA status, like T Credis, S Builder CO op, to get some Affiliates where in the near Future you can use your Duplication to gain nice commissions,

How far should sponsors go to help their affiliates move forward, is there a point you should not go beyond?

4470 votes

Juana Camacho, Aff (Philippines) 2/26/2014 8:05 pm

Affiliate since: 07/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I think there is no limitation for a Sponsor to help their Affiliates. As far as you think that an Affiliates needs help you can extend your full help to each and everyone under you.

Helping your Affiliates to the best you can gives some rewards to you in the near future, because the success of one in your team means success to each and everyone in your group.

Helping your Affiliates to the best you can give their Sponsor a good rating, so it is a good point to the Sponsor

Why is it important to have a good SFI account photo? And what makes a good photo?

4361 votes

Juana Camacho, Aff (Philippines) 2/26/2014 7:56 pm

Affiliate since: 07/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
It is important to have a good SFI account photo for some reasons:

The company you sign in is sure that you are really interested to join in their company. That you are really a real person adhearing to their rules.

With a good photo means that you respect the Company you wish to join. Having some Character photo submitted is not reliable, giving a bad impression to the person who join. Much more, you are not respecting the Company itself.

A good photo is a symbol

A complete stranger sees your WAVE3 banner on your car. They ask what TripleClicks is. What do you say?

4349 votes

Juana Camacho, Aff (Philippines) 2/1/2014 2:07 am

Affiliate since: 07/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
When a stranger sees your wave3 banner and have time to ask something what Tripleclicks is, You're so LUCKY, why??? That stranger is interested and with your proper explanation about it you will get PSA.

Tripleclicks is the main store of our SFI Company. Here he can see thousands of different products he can buy, and if he got interested to join you he can earn 45% of the CV of the product he sells to friends and relatives. He also can buy her personal needs if he wish too.


How can you build your SFI business on a tight budget?

4331 votes

Juana Camacho, Aff (Philippines) 12/18/2013 6:30 am

Affiliate since: 07/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Building our SFI business on a tight budget is 100% similar to, how to live in a small budget to maintain our daily living in order to survive.

We are lucky because SFI is free to join with all the tools we can use to succeed. We are provided with free Trainng, Marketing and useful Power Tools for free and by reading and putting what you read into action is one way you can build your SFI business on a tight budget. Learning is powerful.

We all know that in any business we

What do I need to do to make myself the best SFI affiliate possible?

4315 votes

Juana Camacho, Aff (Philippines) 2/1/2014 1:49 am

Affiliate since: 07/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
You can do many things to make yourself the best affiliate in SFI.

Read SFI Basic. You can get all the informations provided by SFI for free. Then read the Launchpad lessons. Understand what you read and put it into actions.

When you read a topic that is not clear to you, you can contact your Sponsor for help. If your Sponsor is not responding to your mail, then your Co Sponsor can be contacted too. If still no responses to both, go to the FORUM, where almost all SFI affiliates

I almost gave up on SFI. What did you do to keep pushing forward?

4303 votes

Juana Camacho, Aff (Philippines) 12/18/2013 7:46 am

Affiliate since: 07/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
For almost 4 months of my working in SFI, the word GAVE UP comes to my mind just a couple of days ago. Not to mention the CAUSE for the safety of a certain Tripleclick ECA.

Since I know that in any business there is ups and downs, minor and major problem cannot be controlled, FORGIVENSS was perhaps the best to keep it for myself. FAULT of someone cannot be blame to everyone.

SFI is a good company, I enjoyed all the things I am doing here, from Logging in everyday, doing my

How often should I communicate with my Sponsor and Co-Sponsor?

4303 votes

Juana Camacho, Aff (Philippines) 1/31/2014 11:52 pm

Affiliate since: 07/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
As often as you want you can communicate with your Sponsor and Co Sponsor if you have some questions to clarify and need to know the procedure to increase your knowledge if you can't understand the Free Tools provided by SFI.

But due to the fact that we are awarded 30 versapoints weekly I think that is enough, and do yourself with your own readings of all the Power Tools provided by SFI for FREE. In doing so, you will have your own knowledge of how to pursue your SFI business by yourself

Is it a good idea to reassign your PSAs to someone in their own country?

4296 votes

Juana Camacho, Aff (Philippines) 2/1/2014 12:06 am

Affiliate since: 07/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Yes you can do so, as long as you understand their language and you can communicate with them to share some of your knowledge of how he will succeed in SFI.

It depends on you as to where and whom you reassigned your PSA. The best thing is when she needs your help you can help him/her to the best you can in order to maintain his knowledge of the business she have started.

Tell your PSA that the reason you reassigned her to someone does not mean that you don't like her under