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I think the TripleClicks TCards are a great marketing tool. To whom would you give the cards to and why?

1389 votes

Jawahar Singh Solanki, Aff (India) 3/8/2013 1:16 am

Affiliate since: 10/23/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
Yes, its an awesome idea to distribute TripleClick gift card. It creates a kind of curiosity among the person who receives it. So when we gift this card to some one we should give some additional information also, and ask them to login and complete the simple step to become a part of this huge family.

But simply distributing gift card is not the main job, its still incomplete unless you follow them up. You have to explain each and every aspect of the business, so that they become confident

What are the benefits of using an auto-responder system in SFI...or should I not use one?

1332 votes

Jawahar Singh Solanki, Aff (India) 3/8/2013 12:56 am

Affiliate since: 10/23/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
In my opinion auto-responder system might not be the correct tool for SFI. The main reason is that to become a good sponsor, you have to give exact and accurate answers, and it should be logical. Many things, which we discuss while attempting to answer our affiliates, like their personal background and their lifestyle etc. are to be personally interacted. And not by simply using an auto-responder.

In one sentence, how do you respond when someone asks you about the business you are involved in?

1237 votes

Jawahar Singh Solanki, Aff (India) 3/7/2013 7:48 pm

Affiliate since: 10/23/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
This is really interesting question, because we have to face this question while referring SFI to friends and colleagues.

Anyhow, i would like to answer this question in my own way, which depends on the particular person who is asking me the question.

In general, i would like to say that, the one and only genuine internet income business is SFI, ill ask him/her to visit my gateway once and have a look. If you find any difficulty please give a call, ill explain each and every

Which countries do you get the most success with your advertising from and why?

406 votes

Jawahar Singh Solanki, Aff (India) 2/19/2013 5:22 pm

Affiliate since: 10/23/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
Yes!! India is No. 1 country having most active affiliate in SFI and it shows that we are interested in such genuine marketing aid, which gives genuine income.

The next reason would be availability of such opportunities, as we have majority of people who are self employed and are well educated, which makes them enthusiastic towards acquiring the best opportunity available to them.

The last reason would be vast development in IT sector which gives easy access to net and net

Why does it seem like everyone who joins SFI think it's get-rich-quick?

22 votes

Jawahar Singh Solanki, Aff (India) 2/14/2013 6:25 pm

Affiliate since: 10/23/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
I think this is not correct to say that every one thinks the same way, but yes many people have such thinking's in their mind, when it comes to internet marketing. Hence almost each and every individual know this is not possible, but still becomes victim. Every one need money it doesn't means to take shortcut, and dear friends there is no shortcut to become rich, if so happened there is some thing going wrong and may collapse at any time.

Why are badges so important?

11 votes

Jawahar Singh Solanki, Aff (India) 2/14/2013 9:37 am

Affiliate since: 10/23/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
Yes!! Badges are some thing which gives beauty to your profile. I personally love to have so many badges. Having more badges reflects some ones interest towards SFI and which inspires a lot especially the one who joins newly.

I think to become a good leader you should decorate your profile with maximum number of badges because this shows your ability to lead a huge team. And makes good impression on your followers, whenever i see my team leaders badges i feel proud.

This is

What is your best way to motivate your downline?

9 votes

Jawahar Singh Solanki, Aff (India) 2/10/2013 7:39 am

Affiliate since: 10/23/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
I think the best way to motivate downline is to make them understand the complete concept of SFI. After that Setting up competitions among all the members in your downline, which will help to develop curiosity to earn VP as many as they can. They should enjoy having more badges, explain each and every aspect which attracts their interest. Pricebender auction is one of the most interesting concept of SFI, give them complete do and dont's of bidding.

Try to help and make them a part of your

What's the best answer to give your affiliates when they ask you how to be successful with SFI without investing any money?

5 votes

Jawahar Singh Solanki, Aff (India) 2/8/2013 8:47 pm

Affiliate since: 10/23/2017, Power Rank: 99999999
I would like to suggest those who are aggressive but afraid to invest.The duplication system is one of the best part of business to build strong foundation and you no need to invest money. Even i got a good team but when it comes to investments, many of them hesitate to do so, as of now they are not aware that we are investing a small amount today to become partners of big earners tomorrow. For them i suggest some of these tips like:

1. Daily logging into your account and take all the