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If you had to start over with SFI, having the knowledge and tools you have now that you didn't have before, what would you do differently?

2766 votes

Susan Connor, Aff (Australia) 5/15/2013 12:33 am

Affiliate since: 09/29/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Ahh a time capsule question.

When I first was asked to help someone with something I followed the link and ended up joining SFI. If I was to start SFI again I would not have followed that link at that time as I knew I was not ready to divert into anything else at that time. Primarily reorganize space at home as well as develop the social media networks I was working through.

Please note : this statement is a reflection on my status at that time rather than SFI. Which leads

What is the best way to learn (after SFI training) about advertising using the internet when you are a complete novice?

2396 votes

Susan Connor, Aff (Australia) 3/17/2013 8:44 am

Affiliate since: 09/29/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
First sit down with a note book and pen and evaluate what you see on sites that have obvious marketing within them.

Note how visual boards are different to forums, groups and communities. Check out different webpages.

Secondly sort our the pros and cons for these sites.

Effectively you are creating a 'S.W.O.T' analysis.

Now go and find answers for how to emulate what you like and what you want to avoid.

Read the host platforms policies / terms.

What was the best advice you ever got from your upline and how has it helped you?

488 votes

Susan Connor, Aff (Australia) 3/15/2013 7:17 pm

Affiliate since: 09/29/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
"Ask Me" this simple 8 character message has stood us both well as there is definite two way communication between us both.

I get a message of friendly inquiry if I have not logged on for a few days... as something has bound to have happened and my sponsor want to touch base.

It's from these familiar 8 characters that a great online support network that encourages participation , swapping of ideas or prompts and even a friendly chat or two to occur.


Has anyone tried the paid Facebook advertising and, if so, did it work/was it was worth the cost?

6 votes

Susan Connor, Aff (Australia) 11/27/2012 10:41 pm

Affiliate since: 09/29/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
I have not . However try these steps first as you really need a focused following too. Placing adds on their own rack of spamming. The method below is integrating what you want with what is allowed and also what your audience want to receive.

Do you have a Blogger account? Make a couple and write posts on them.

Facebook want to 'run' the blogs through their systems.
1) You open up a few Face book pages or groups under appropriate headings.
2) Place your snap

How do you plan to capitalize on the new S76 (Silver76Pack) product?

4 votes

Susan Connor, Aff (Australia) 1/7/2013 5:06 am

Affiliate since: 09/29/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
I figure that the investment in the S76 (Silver76Package) would be a justifiable business expense. Thus I am seriously looking at it in the near future.

Personally for me it just is a piece of metal that has a nice' ring' to it excuse the pun.

Why do so many people join SFI and then do nothing...and what should I do about this?

3 votes

Susan Connor, Aff (Australia) 11/24/2012 1:18 am

Affiliate since: 09/29/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Although SFI is 'Easy to join' and 'Very easy to understand' and there in lies the problem. After a few days of easy the human mind goes overboard with assumptions and preconceived ideas.

Suddenly easy becomes hard.

It is this 'Hard' that 'gets' to everyone of us. Then the boredom crashes in cause everyday there is repetition. Wow. From repetition people do not understand there are other paths to follow. This gets lost in the repetition and boredom factors. If people

When communicating with my downline, is it best to use the SFI email utility or my own email? What is the most effective?

1 votes

Susan Connor, Aff (Australia) 11/13/2012 1:36 am

Affiliate since: 09/29/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
MMMM. Life experiences raises points to factor into answer this question.

1) The SFI emails are for SFI [besides the chance for Versa Points is always good].
2)What else is your outside SFI email account used for. Will an important SFI communication gt lost between the flows of family and other platform emails that stream in?

Although I am fairly new to SFI I can already see the possibility of missing SFI communications in my 'other life' email system. So out of respect