If I was asked to make a presentation about SFI to an organization, I would tell them that SFI stands for Strong Future International. SFI is a BBB approved online business organization which has multiple streams of income. It was started in 1999 by Gery Carson. He introduced to the world a business that can be started for free and be built at any rate or any cost that you are comfortable with.
All the training a new affiliate needs is on the website. The new affiliate can easily accumulate enough points to maintain a rank of Executive Affiliate every month if they follow the advice of the online training and ask their up line sponsors for help. If their sponsor can’t help, they can ask questions at the:
1.“ASK SC” page on the website
2.Visit “The Forum”
3.Go further up line or to their co-sponsor
4.Go to the “FAQ” section
5.Submit a ticket and/or call the centre (a free call)
As one learns, one also earns points on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
There are three basic steps:
1.Maintain EA status every month.
2.Sponsor 5-6 people like yourself.
3.Train them to do what you do.
Advertise with the free and/or low cost promotional materials online. Use the share button for Face Book, Twitter, or an url for emails or other social sites. You can set up a Coop for yourself and/or your team by one of two methods:
1.Buy an SBuilder at their online TripleClicks Store and set up at Coop Manager.
2.Set up a Coop at the Coop Manager on their SFI site.
Once they’ve contacted friends, family, acquaintances, and advertise in their community, they can use other free advertising services like Safe Lists, Traffic Exchanges, and Websites.They can also purchase Personally Sponsored Affiliates at the TripleClicks Store or at an outside team coop site.
By now you’re probably wondering what this online TripleClicks Store is about.
There are many ways to benefit from this online store which one is automatically an affiliate of if they are an SFI affiliate. SFI Affiliates can:
1.Earn points and commissions by promoting TC’s Pricebender penny auction.
2.Earn points and commissions by promoting items for sale at TripleClicks.
3.Earn commissions from the TripleClicks pool.
4.Set up their own online store and sell new or used products or services.
5.Save by buying low cost TC items and/or bidding at the Pricebender Auction to win.
6.Sponsor E-Commerce Associates so you can earn royalties for a very long time.
There are many contests and prizes to be won, including cash prizes.
Last but not least affiliates become friends with other people around the world, learn to be leaders, learn internet skills for free, and receive badges of honor.