Cost effectiveness in your business should mean get the maximum out of your present resources so you are not actually running a debt to finance your business or that you are spending money that you do not have and stretching your finances. This means you should endeavor to accomplish the following tasks religiously
- you must complete all the daily, weekly and monthly tasks and everything that is on your Things To Do List
- take part in daily games, T tIme and any other contest run by your upline or SFI
- utilize the resources within SFI to the maximum and TRY to earn every available point where you can, answer questions, duplicate, enter the leadership challenges
- work hard and aggressively to make as many Action and Sales points
- using various sites, social media and where you will not require financial input
- talk to friends and family. Rely on your network of various business and other contacts
- make use of the marketing tools, flyers and cards to promote your business
- create awareness about TripleClicks and get customers to make purchases or buy for yourself what you would otherwise shop elsewhere
- promote and share your links in various ways
- when friends talk of giving away gift, refer them to,TC
This should be very cost effective and produce the desired results for your success in SFI.
Cost effectiveness in your business should mean get the maximum out of your present resources so you are not actually running a debt to finance your business or that you are spending money that you do not have and stretching your finances. This means you should endeavor to accomplish the following tasks religiously
- you must complete all the daily, weekly and monthly tasks and everything that is on your Things To Do List
- take part in daily games, T tIme and any