How can we determine beforehand what are good spots to advertise?
Sheron Fenty, Aff (Barbados)
2/14/2015 5:22 am
Affiliate since: 01/30/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
You cannot determine beforehand which good spot to advertise unless you try.The best way to determine this is to use keycodes meaning place markers/numbers for each place you
advertise in mark by a number.
So then you will tell by the number of hits to each place.You can tell by the response to
your ad.the amount.
You can only tell if you try.
If you could completely start over with SFI today, knowing what you know now, what would you do differently?
Sheron Fenty, Aff (Barbados)
7/21/2014 4:53 am
Affiliate since: 01/30/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
If I could completely start over with SFI knowing what you know now what would you do differently?
To be honest if I had to restart SFI there will be nothing I would do differently.The only thing I wish most is that I had more funds available to use as capital.This is not a problem for as long as I can maintain my SO I know" where there is a will there is a way"I am the type of person when I want something I go after it no matter how long it takes for me to get it done.
The main aim here is to make as much VP as you can make sure you get you 11VP daily I keep seeing 10VP mentioned in forum but this does not make sense to me for these are Free VP meaning you do not need TCredits to achieve them and they are given complements SFI so I show my gratitude by earning all my free VP 497 to be exact monthly and 100 for standing order.
The only problem I am experiencing is the communication of my sponsor he sends me email that I do not understand and his communication is NOT frequent.Next there are rules here I do not understand why must I contact my sponsor when my success is his /her success I should be my sponsor's priority NOT his option.So to be HONEST if I had to start over I would prefer a sponsor who is a people's person and like to communicate all the essentials for me to be successful in other words make me a duplicate of him /her.A leader is someone who shows you the way forward even if the leader is only 1 inch in front.This is a problem a very BIG problem.
Here is a tip for you
the main thing here is to accumulate as much VP as you can daily.
either through PRMS .PSAs or CSAs.
My sponsor don't help me but I have met some great a2a friends who certainly do!Thanks to them and they know who there are.
There is nothing I would do differently so I will continue on my road to success
If I could completely start over with SFI knowing what you know now what would you do differently?
To be honest if I had to restart SFI there will be nothing I would do differently.The only thing I wish most is that I had more funds available to use as capital.This is not a problem for as long as I can maintain my SO I know" where there is a will there is a way"I am the type of person when I want something I go after it no matter how long it takes for me to get it done.
What should I work on to build my SFI business when I can't access the SFI Affiliate Center?
Sheron Fenty, Aff (Barbados)
11/29/2014 5:14 am
Affiliate since: 01/30/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
To me When you cannot access the affiliate Center you should market your website and posts of items found in your store in Social Platforms and groups.You can also participate in games and Auctions to see if you win Prizes and earn Action Vp.The prizes won in Games are Tcredits which can be used to achieve more VP either SVP or AVP which goes in the executive pool and leads to commissions for you!
Also it is a great time to communicate with your team and work on duplication.
Which is more effective--distributing TCards online or in person?
Sheron Fenty, Aff (Barbados)
7/21/2014 5:12 am
Affiliate since: 01/30/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Which is more effective-distributing TC gift cards online or in person?
This can differ from individual to individual.For me I prefer online reason being when I purchase them they are readily available !I do not have to wait weeks until they are delivered.So I can have an $12 campaign a lot easier.These cards are great I send them to anyone that I receive their email and name and if they do not redeem them I do not worry or give the code to another I find this practice not business like.Gift cards are your source to receiving PRMS and they are always valid which means if I send an ECard to some one and they do not redeem it I still have their name in the system as a referral.If it takes them 6 months and they come in under someone else link there are still mine for it first come first serve here meaning as long as you send in a name under your link they are yours until death or until you decide to stop.As time goes by I intend to resend to the ones who did not redeem.
Secondly a scenario you sent a card to Bob 1mth ago he did not redeem it you took that same code and give it to Mary ,but bob decide let me see what this is all about and redeem the card When Mary tries to redeem she is block to me this does something to your creditability.You are given 30 cards when purchase think of it as an investment in your business growth not a card loss.
In terms of being more effective for me would be online for this is an online business that's where I intend on taking it so you see why I prefer distribution online for its convenience!.
Which is more effective-distributing TC gift cards online or in person?
This can differ from individual to individual.For me I prefer online reason being when I purchase them they are readily available !I do not have to wait weeks until they are delivered.So I can have an $12 campaign a lot easier.These cards are great I send them to anyone that I receive their email and name and if they do not redeem them I do not worry or give the code to another I find this practice not business like.Gift
What should new affiliates NOT do in their first month?
Sheron Fenty, Aff (Barbados)
5/8/2014 10:51 am
Affiliate since: 01/30/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
"What should an affiliate not do in first month?"
Answer......."WASTE TIME" for time is money.
from day one you should be mind set to WORK only you are boss.
When you first registered it take you to your to do list start right away and try to understand the system and if you invest that little required time I am sure you will get the idea!!
For this is what I feel new affiliates should not do "WASTE TIME"
What is the best way to contact a prospective ECA?
Sheron Fenty, Aff (Barbados)
4/23/2014 9:28 am
Affiliate since: 01/30/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
The best way to contact a perspective ECA is face to face. Officially Dressed for business of Course,with all the information needed about the program its benefits and what is require in terms of listing products.
But seeing we want them from all over the world this way is not always available..
You can send an email with detail description of the program and want are the benefits and requirements from them using our official letter headings and professional signed of course.You can also post letters using our professional stationery with company heading(Envelopes with heading also).
Just simply inform them about this opportunity,how it provides them with a world wide market and payment is only required on the sale of item which is 15%. Can you really imagine what a save this is FREE ADVERTISING!!!
The best way to contact a perspective ECA is face to face. Officially Dressed for business of Course,with all the information needed about the program its benefits and what is require in terms of listing products.
But seeing we want them from all over the world this way is not always available..
You can send an email with detail description of the program and want are the benefits and requirements from them using our official letter headings and professional signed of course.You can also
Is SFI good for students (18 or older)? Why or why not?
Sheron Fenty, Aff (Barbados)
4/23/2014 9:06 am
Affiliate since: 01/30/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Students 18+ will gain from being an SFI affiliate it teaches discipline in Business.It teaches how to achieve success in life school do not provide you with this.With youth in this establishment means it will go on and on.they will be there to carry on SFI.Another advantage they would reap the opportunity of meeting people from all around the world different nationalities and cultures.They also start to earn an income.The only disadvantage I see maybe time due to studies and I still find this an excuse for where there is a will there is a way they can do it part time.
Students 18+ will gain from being an SFI affiliate it teaches discipline in Business.It teaches how to achieve success in life school do not provide you with this.With youth in this establishment means it will go on and on.they will be there to carry on SFI.Another advantage they would reap the opportunity of meeting people from all around the world different nationalities and cultures.They also start to earn an income.The only disadvantage I see maybe time due to studies and I still find this an
How do I reassure prospective TripleClicks customers that shopping is safe and secure and they will receive delivery of product?
Sheron Fenty, Aff (Barbados)
3/15/2015 7:32 pm
Affiliate since: 01/30/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
You can inform them that we are verify with Geotrust.
Any website that has this logo Make a strong security statement.
This is a fact of GeoTrust
A trusted security partner with a proven track record for reliability, quality and convenience.
Our License Logo is located to the bottom of each page
You can also give them the link to so they can read for their-self its importance.
I hope this helps