The simplest and best way to get good duplicating teams a
network marketing company in my humble opinion is to do
home meetings. But, you use the internet to recruit? Yes,
your darn right I do and it work.
Here’s a secret I’ve found…
When I recruit a person online, unless its from facebook, that
new recruit usually thinks he/she has to do the business the
same way (not always the case). So they take the internet
marketing route and struggle by themselves without getting any
kind of training or systems and then they eventually quit. I
usually try to talk people out of internet marketing because
they think its the answer or some kind of holy grail. If you
don’t need to make money NOW then don’t talk to warm
market and do internet marketing, but if you want an income
now, well get on the phone and schedule a grand opening
meeting at your home or place of business. The reality is that
online marketing for your mlm is a compliment to most
people’s business due to the traditional success path in this
industry of building offline belly to belly. Most people do not
want to become internet marketers, and I don’t want them to. I
want them to keep it simple and make money following the
proven system. We want ordinary people willing to follow a
simple system to make them into extraordinary people.
However, if I have taken the time to develop a friendship with
online recruits via Facebook they are much easier to help see
results and checks because they are willing to do what you do.
If you connected with them on Facebook then all they know is
Facebook and offline meetings and they will see success easier
than someone who has been exposed to all the fancy do-dads,
gurus, systems, and thingys because they have no
preconceived notions on how they think they should build. In
other words, your rep is a clean pallet you can work with to
develop into duplicating Leaders that teach others to become
The online world is not the end all be all, its only a fraction of
whats going on but its whats easy for everyone to see because
of the nature of social media. Realize that offline learning
curve is so much easier. When you have that level of trust and
show your helping others, people will join you. You are ready
for Online MLM Recruiting if:
Recognized that Online MLM marketing is passive and is a
long term strategy – This is something that you focus on
during hours of the day that you can’t be calling people.
Recognized Not an Excuse to avoid being on the phone or
Your making money offline in MLM already (offline success
is easy to transfer to online)
You want to create an online presence to stay in touch with
your team and bring value and training to them
Tired of talking to friends and family
Want qualified people to talk to everyday
Want to attract leaders at your level and above to you
Get good at recruiting and know how to duplicate your results
so when you do recruit people online you can lead them down
the path where the will experience the best results. If you feel
you are one of the few that’s ready online MLM Recruiting,
start researching systems designed to teach network
marketers how to do online and offline MLM recruiting.