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What are your top tricks for getting the most out of one's Genealogy?

7719 votes

Peggy Pridemore, Aff (Kentucky, US) 10/31/2014 6:10 pm

Affiliate since: 09/02/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Remeo,

I use my Genealogy all the time. The following is some of what I do:

1) As soon as I know my new members have been added to the list I go right to my report and if, they are on line, which a lot of them are then I introduce myself even if I do not get a chance to actually reach them. They will get the message as soon as they notice it. Also, this might be the only chance you get as they might never log back in. I make up the same email to all of them and just copy

What are the big picture things you are doing to make your SFI business a success?

7716 votes

Peggy Pridemore, Aff (Kentucky, US) 9/23/2015 3:26 pm

Affiliate since: 09/02/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
I make sure I sign in every day to do my red tabs. This is a must and accrue 11 points each day.

If you are looking to advance you have to add to your down line. This is either purchasing PSA's or CSA's. Depending your title as to how many CSA's SFI will give you at the beginning of the month. It is up to you how many you want to have. It is like purchasing a lottery ticket. Some see the opportunity and some doesn't.

Make sure to connect with your movers and praise them on a

What's a better investment and why? TCredits or S-Builder Co-op?

7256 votes

Peggy Pridemore, Aff (Kentucky, US) 9/23/2015 3:11 pm

Affiliate since: 09/02/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
I believe the S Builder because you are feeding your down line and if you already have a standing order you are getting 125 Tcredits anyway.

I have won all of my S Builders from the auction and I have gotten a few that have been active. But, like anything, even if you win the auction from bidding on CSA's or PSA's you are still lucky if you find any takers.

Some Will, Some Won't, Next.

Hope this helps.

An affiliate logs in after a long period of inactivity. Should I acknowledge this? And if so, what should I say?

5945 votes

Peggy Pridemore, Aff (Kentucky, US) 9/30/2014 2:32 pm

Affiliate since: 09/02/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Great Question. This has happened to me and what I do is send an e-card and share that I noticed they signed in and I am so happy that they are possibly giving SFI another chance.

I also let them know that I have sent several emails to my downline and they might want to check their messages and read up on what they have missed.

I then share that they should save all of my messages for future times. Especially, if they decide to work SFI as a business and start getting a downline

Why should anyone want to become an SFI affiliate?

5692 votes

Peggy Pridemore, Aff (Kentucky, US) 9/30/2014 2:43 pm

Affiliate since: 09/02/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Great Question.

For a lot of people they are unemployed and when joining SFI they can do this business on a shoestring.

For others they could be retired and this gives them something to keep themselves busy instead of being bored.

For a lot of others they already have experience with the internet and, being in business for themselves, so this would be a piece of cake for them.

For others they like a challenge and this would be something of interest should

How can I support and motivate my team members without demanding too much or turning them off?

4960 votes

Peggy Pridemore, Aff (Kentucky, US) 10/6/2014 7:27 pm

Affiliate since: 09/02/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Florence, Great Question!

I first try to reach them within the first 24 hours of having them assigned to me. If I am successful in reaching them or can see they have been signing in I will maybe send an ecard to share a tip. Or, ask them which road they are wanting to go down: The fast track to EA or the day by day road. Not in a hurry to get to the next step.

Sometimes if I see they are on line I will see if they would want to chat. If no answser then I will leave a small

What should I do with PSAs who do not want to recruit affiliates or otherwise engage in duplication?

4900 votes

Peggy Pridemore, Aff (Kentucky, US) 10/6/2014 7:42 pm

Affiliate since: 09/02/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Bob,

I am sure a lot of the people joining are not wanting to find people to bring into SFI. When they join they have no clue what they are joining and when it is sharing the business with others this makes them very shy and they start to back off.

When members join they either have the get up and go or they need to be pushed. I try to work with the first bunch because I know I can relate to them more. They get the whole picture of the business and the different ways to earn

How can you confirm that your team members are receiving your emails and other messages?

4778 votes

Peggy Pridemore, Aff (Kentucky, US) 10/6/2014 7:15 pm

Affiliate since: 09/02/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Jan,

That is a great question and one I had thought about also. However, I believe that just maybe the new enrollees do not know they have a message center to go to. I am sure that when they joined the information given to them most likely does not share to check your email. It makes sense since there are so many that join but, after the first day they do not come back.

I have put in a suggestion to ask if there could be some wording during the time of joining to share for

How do you benefit financially from the efforts of your PSAs?

4633 votes

Peggy Pridemore, Aff (Kentucky, US) 10/7/2014 10:46 pm

Affiliate since: 09/02/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Georgina,

Great Question.

I believe if we give 100% to always be there for the movers in our downlines then they will continue to grow and want to duplicate their own actions. I always make sure to check and see if they are signing in each day especially if they are about to become an EA. I let them know that if this is their choice to become a leader then they need to do everythig they can so they will be ready to help those that will be assigned to their group.


How much time a day, approximately, do I need to invest in SFI to build a profitable business?

4619 votes

Peggy Pridemore, Aff (Kentucky, US) 11/8/2014 7:10 pm

Affiliate since: 09/02/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Dhiraj,

That truly depends on the individual. If you are wanting to take the slow road then I guess maybe a few hours a week, of course, signing in each day to do your red tabs. The other time is for signing in and reading something about the company during the week.

If you are on the average track, which means, signing in each day and while on the site deciding to read something new at that time then 10 hours a week would surfice.

Now, if you are on the fast track