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How can I use SFI's hit tracking to make my promotions more effective?

9912 votes

Floyd Clerkley, Aff (Colorado, US) 2/9/2014 2:16 pm

Affiliate since: 12/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Marja,

By assigning your advertising campaigns "key codes" you will be able to go to the hit tracker and see which advertisements are bringing you the most traffic and more importantly results from signups. this way you are able to make an informed choice which advertising sources you want to continue to invest in. Additional information that may be helpful if you have not read it already is "Key Codes" under the Power Tools section. hope this helps.

What is the best way to begin a new month in SFI and achieve success?

5481 votes

Floyd Clerkley, Aff (Colorado, US) 4/8/2014 8:09 pm

Affiliate since: 12/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
The best way to start each and every month is with a positive outlook and a plan. Review the previous month and action steps you took to get where you were at month's end. Build on these action steps whether it was advertising, promoting products, or sponsoring.

Each month should be like a bridge, building links and laying foundations for the next month. Be focused look at the Big Picture not just the next month but where you want to be over all and outline the steps on the bridge that

What is your advice to those who want to pursue this business but have limited time to invest into it?

5367 votes

Floyd Clerkley, Aff (Colorado, US) 1/20/2014 10:31 pm

Affiliate since: 12/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I would say to them to make the most of the time they do have.
1. Look at their schedule and look at what time is available to work their business.
1. Set definite blocks of time that they can commit to.
2. Develop a routine within this allotted time.
3. Complete what you can in that time frame.
4. Whenever you can give extra time to working your business.

How can we convince our PSAs that they should become TripleClicks WAVE3 members?

5299 votes

Floyd Clerkley, Aff (Colorado, US) 1/13/2014 6:50 pm

Affiliate since: 12/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I would tell them that it is another income stream to add to their business by promoting TripleClicks Wave3. I would also share with them the benefits of earning 5 extra TCredits each month along with 50 Member Reward Points. Member Reward Points, they can redeem for products at TripleClicks. As a Wave3 member you get discounts on products, who doesn't like a discount. Having the Member Reward Points can save you on spending cash for products. All of these benefits add extra value for your PSA's

How can I use a blog to promote SFI and TripleClicks?

4989 votes

Floyd Clerkley, Aff (Colorado, US) 4/25/2014 9:31 am

Affiliate since: 12/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Howard,

I would say that it is important to pick a topic that you are passionate about and tie it into your SFI business. Say for example if you are passionate about home based businesses and being able to tie your experience with home based businesses into SFI as a home based business. Talk about the benefits, what makes this opportunity different. Your blog is your platform to entice and spark interest. If you are passionate about your product/subject that enthusiasm will show up

What do I need to do to make myself the best SFI affiliate possible?

4144 votes

Floyd Clerkley, Aff (Colorado, US) 2/8/2014 10:18 pm

Affiliate since: 12/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Manju,
I think first you must ask yourself how good do you want to be? What you want to achieve? What rank/status you are aiming for. It has to come from within, the motivation the driving force. Know your reason, the Why you want to be in SFI. You'll need to always have your reason "why", in the forefront of your mind as you Set your goals. Set your goals and work to achieve them.

Get to know your business inside and out. Some areas to obtain additional training and

How can I build a successful SFI business when I have a team of inactive affiliates and doubtful customers for my TripleClicks store?

3950 votes

Floyd Clerkley, Aff (Colorado, US) 3/19/2014 11:03 pm

Affiliate since: 12/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Imelda,
It may take some time to find active affiliates. No matter what the number of affiliates you have now or you get there is no guarantee that they will become
or stay active. There is no way to predict which affiliates will be serious about their SFI business. All you can do is to be the best that you can be as a sponsor.

Send out your Welcomes, encourage them, pass along tips that you learned to help them succeed. You are laying the path for open communication. After

Since SFI has been around for many years, is the playing field fair for someone who have just started in SFI like me?

3868 votes

Floyd Clerkley, Aff (Colorado, US) 3/19/2014 10:46 pm

Affiliate since: 12/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
HI Junnel,
The way SFI is set up everyone enters on the same playing field. The playing field changes based on your rank and leadership positions. Be it Class Leaderboard, Sponsor Leaderboard. In terms of rank: Affiliate, Executive Affiliate, Bronze Team Leader, silver Team Leader, Gold Team Leader and platinum Team Leader.

As you move up in rank you get more benefits and perks as outlined on the Compensation Plan and Benefits Chart. These elements change the playing field based

When I am fully self-employed with SFI, and someone asks what I do for a living, what do I tell them?

3847 votes

Floyd Clerkley, Aff (Colorado, US) 2/9/2014 2:27 pm

Affiliate since: 12/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Estrado,

Ask them if they have financial freedom? Are they in control of their own time? Do they have the ability to chose when and how long they will work and do they have a "Strong Futures" with an International reach. Tell them how you created all of this for yourself and your family. Let them know that it took hard work and persistence. But in working hard you were working hard for yourself to build your "Strong Future: instead of for someone else. Then show them

How do I assure that duplication happens in those I sponsor?

3632 votes

Floyd Clerkley, Aff (Colorado, US) 6/2/2014 6:55 pm

Affiliate since: 12/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
You can only give the information. Your affiliates have to be willing to listen and follow. There is no guarantee that all affiliates will follow your advise or your lead. To those who chose not to follow or listen let them continue on their own path. After all it is their business and you and I are merely guides.Point them to trainings and articles that helped you to get where you are one person can't know everything.Some may feel they know better than you or may have found an easier way than you.