Hello friend,
I would say you almost gave up because you were innocent! But thank God you and all who are reading this are not quitters.
"Before success comes in any man's life, he's sure to meet with much temporary defeat and, perhaps some failures. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and the most logical thing to do is to quit. That's exactly what the majority of men do. ...Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success." - Napoleon Hill.
Well to share what I personally did I will share the most outstanding ones;
1. I took my time to read every statement in my first days. I actually raised enough VersaPoints (VP) to win a Fast Track badge on my first day as SFI affiliate.
2. When I realised I had a sponsor - I had joined following an ad, I contacted my sponsor right away on my first day. He turned out to be the best sponsor I could have, he replied immediately. The SFI sponsor program is so encouraging because you don't move blindly or as a lone tourist.
3. I started and kept it a daily habit to check the red tabs on my home page. Of course I completed my profile and uploaded my smiling face the first day. And I daily participate in the free drawings. I have actually won free TCredits (TC). Encouraging!
4. I read the Launchpad lessons and answered the simple quiz which comes with VPs so tempting and information so appealing that I read all the lessons sooner than recommended. But I was faithful too in reading them so carefully. I read the other guidelines also including the SFI basics and the PowerTools.
5. The second month came with little harder challenges one of them being the lack of such free points offered in the first month. Besides I had completed all the Launchpad lessons. It was time to ask my sponsor on the way forward. He practically demonstrated to me the use of Gift Certificates (GC) by offering me one for $15 enough to raise more than enough VPs to re-qualify as Executive Affiliate (EA).
6. With the GC, I bought the 1 TCredit (TC) that comes with a whole 102 VPs although costing a little more than a bulk purchase.
7. I also bought a Wave3 Starter Kit which is quite cheap, only $1.95 but comes with much rewards every other month.
8. Having been helped through the Gift Certificate to experience the power of investing (at least a little) in TrippleClicks, I invested in $100 so I could participate in the PriceBender auctions and buy a few items. https://www.tripleclicks.com/indexAuctions.php
9. I have kept inviting new PSAs and ECAs. When I realized I was too slow, I invested in the S-Builder Co-op unit. There are other Co-op unit offers available. Check your Stream for possible ads by your up-line team. I was able to utilize one myself.
10. I listed my own products for sale on my Member Center at TrippleClicks. These also bring in profits and every action brings in rewards in form of VPs and MRPs. SFI/TrippleClicks also offer a unique local pay/pickup opportunity for selling to your locality avoiding shipping cost.
Finally, there are many numerous other Action Points I took that you too can take that I have not shared to spare you time, but I am sure the ten above will help you abundantly as you build yourself an income stream and keep moving forward. Way-to-go!