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How can I learn to be a good Team Leader for my group?

8342 votes

Jelena Pavlovic, Aff (Montenegro) 1/5/2016 2:43 pm

Affiliate since: 05/13/2020, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi ! This is what I would do:

1. Contact your team members daily! Make them believe in SFI!

2. Advice, motivate and support your team!

3. Show them opportunities and results!

4. Help when they fail, make them move on!

5. Reward the workers!

6. Help them grow, so you'll grow together!

Try not to lose your own motivation when some team members don't respond. Just like any other business, it happens. Not all people are meant

Can I be successful in SFI without investing any money? And if so, how?

6289 votes

Jelena Pavlovic, Aff (Montenegro) 4/21/2015 2:56 pm

Affiliate since: 05/13/2020, Power Rank: 99999999

Your question was:

"Can I be successful in SFI without investing any money? And if so, how?"

Of course you can! How?

SFI gives you many ways to earn without spending any single cent! Just study well matherials written on the site, such as:

- SFI Basics
- Compensation plan
- The Plan, and many other articles.

You will find many strategies, and all you have to do is just start following steps written overthere.


What are the things that most make you proud to be an SFI affiliate?

5640 votes

Jelena Pavlovic, Aff (Montenegro) 11/29/2013 3:15 pm

Affiliate since: 05/13/2020, Power Rank: 99999999
This is a very good question.

Here are the reasons:

I choose the time, the way, the quantity of my work.
I don't respond to anyone.
I make my own results because RESULTS i make, make me be proud on myself and this opportunity. I am proud I didn't quit.I am proud that I am so respected from the side of this company which makes me respect it the same way.
I am proud to show it to another people as a living prove that it's real and it pays of.I am proud to guide

What should an affiliate do if their sponsor is non-responsive?

5329 votes

Jelena Pavlovic, Aff (Montenegro) 12/27/2013 4:47 pm

Affiliate since: 05/13/2020, Power Rank: 99999999

If your Sponsor is unresponsive you can get help:

1. By contacting any of your upline members (Co-Sponsor etc.) and you can find more about it here:

2. Read information given on the site such as: Launchpad lessons, Basics, FAQ's etc;

3. Read Forum posts, post a question to forum, read and Ask SC answers, put ASK SC questions;

4. Ask A2A friends for help;

5. Contact SFI Support by submiting

What would you say to a PSA who states that their goal is to find an online job involving filling out forms and typing?

5277 votes

Jelena Pavlovic, Aff (Montenegro) 4/18/2015 3:21 pm

Affiliate since: 05/13/2020, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi David !

If a PSA really states that their goal is to find an online job involving filling out forms and typing, at first I would try to make him/her show more interest for SFI business and again explain all the good things and benefits.
If i think I did all that was up to me as a good sponsor and a PSA still feels the same way, I wouldn't waste more time on helping this PSA except informing him/her that I'll be there if He/She changes mind and decides to know more and become active.

How can we get across to our affiliates that investing minor (at least) amounts of money into SFI is smart?

4615 votes

Jelena Pavlovic, Aff (Montenegro) 12/6/2013 11:22 am

Affiliate since: 05/13/2020, Power Rank: 99999999
What do you think about when you hear or say this word: BUSINESS.

What is definition of business ? What is definition of Private Business? If you know what these terms mean than you are familliar with the word - Investition.How to earn without investing anything, your time at least? But when you figure out how small amounts these are and how often we spend bigger amounts on a really necessary or in some cases useful things why not try to use it more wisely and see what happens? Yet, you

Where can I get good content for my SFI blog without infringing on copyrighted material?

4265 votes

Jelena Pavlovic, Aff (Montenegro) 7/5/2014 2:49 am

Affiliate since: 05/13/2020, Power Rank: 99999999
Dear Stephan,

I suggest you to write the content by yourself. Why? Because writing honest text and sharing your personal examples of success, your personal experience with targeted audience will definitely bring you better results. Think about the same business ads for example, all written by a copy-paste system, all the same, all sound so automatic and maybe even 'fake'. I don't think that a lot of people will pay much attention to it.

I suggest you to sit down, relax and

Should I buy PSAs or learn how to sponsor them myself?

3764 votes

Jelena Pavlovic, Aff (Montenegro) 1/23/2014 3:04 pm

Affiliate since: 05/13/2020, Power Rank: 99999999
Well, in any case you need to learn how to advertise build and guide your Team no matter if you bought one or built it for free.

If I was your sponsor, from one side I would maybe think : " Yes, if you can offord it why not, make a purchase" and we all know that I would earn a nice one-time comission on your purchase BUT, if you ask me this isn't the best way of doing it.

When advertising, you should use all free resources, and if doing it correctly, from my experience

How do you convince your life partner that investing in your SFI business is prudent?

3737 votes

Jelena Pavlovic, Aff (Montenegro) 12/25/2013 3:47 pm

Affiliate since: 05/13/2020, Power Rank: 99999999
You can show him/her:

1. How the program exactly works (basics and what can you get from it)
2. Other people testimonials,
3. Other members success examples such as the ones in your upline list or show power ranking lists as well
4. Introduce him/her with the ECA program

This would be enough for start and if he/she decides to become a member, give further directions as a sponsor.

The point is to tell him/her that there is a way to succeed without investing

Why is it good to participate in the new Eager Zebra game(s)?

3704 votes

Jelena Pavlovic, Aff (Montenegro) 3/17/2014 3:51 pm

Affiliate since: 05/13/2020, Power Rank: 99999999
Eager Zebra game "Time machine"


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