SFI Personal Website Policy

SFI does NOT conduct approvals of personal or business Websites of its Affiliates. This is due mainly to the large size of the SFI affiliate base and the fact that Websites can be changed immediately after an approval is given. Additionally, for the purposes of this policy, your Facebook page, Twitter page, and any other social media page are also considered your "personal" Websites.

With that in mind, SFI's Personal Website Policy is pretty simple and can be boiled down to three basic suggestions:

  1. Don't make SFI or any Zing Network site—TripleClicks, ECommergy, Eager Zebra Games, Elevation Mall, Rewardicals, etc.—look bad. This includes products, service providers, ECAs, and any other aspects of Zing. Avoid disparaging remarks and negative statements. Always act as a fan of and advocate for your SFI business with a professional presence on your Website.

  2. Keep your Website content current! Stick strictly with information that's currently published on the Zing Network sites, and update your page regularly.
    TIP: An easy way to stay completely up to date is by checking daily the SFI News thread at the Forum, as well as the SFI Stream posts. If your site is out of date or contains inaccurate and obsolete information about SFI and Zing Network programs, you will be asked to update or remove all related outdated content. Repeated violations may result in your SFI Affiliateship being cancelled.

  3. Be nice! Professionalism requires civility and helpfulness to the public, your prospective affiliates, and potential customers and Zing Members. Along those lines, here are a few hard-and-fast rules for your Web pages:

  4. • NO wholesale reproductions of Gateway Web pages, Zing Network Site pages (including the SFI Affiliate Center), or any other Web pages created, maintained, or hosted by Carson Services, Inc., or its division or partner companies. You CAN use elements explicitly provided for marketing purposes, such as product description pages at TripleClicks and SFI marketing aids https://www.sfimg.com/Resources/MarketingCenter

    • You absolutely cannot portray yourself as a representative of SFI Corporate, SFI Marketing Group, or any other Zing property or company divisions. You MUST make it clear to a casual observer that you are an AFFILIATE and NOT speaking for or directly representing SFI Corporate or its divisions.

    • Income Guarantees. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you suggest or imply that persons joining the SFI affiliate program are guaranteed to earn income.

If you're unable to adhere to the SFI Personal Website Policy guidelines above, do NOT attempt to operate a Website containing information about SFI and/or Zing Network programs and features OTHER THAN APPROVED BANNER ADS HERE, which automatically update for you when used correctly