
LEADERSHIP PAGE: What is my SFI Leadership Page? How do I set it up?



We're currently working on updating this FAQ to reflect the all-new SFI.

Leadership Pages (LPs) are for every affiliate who is a sponsor or Team Leader. Your SFI Leadership Page (LP) provides a central Web page through which to support, instruct, motivate, and inspire your PSAs and other team members.


Following is an outline of the components of your LP, as illustrated in our sample LP for fictitious SFI affiliate "Joe Sample," along with instructions on setting up your own Leadership Page:

1. A brief greeting in which you can provide a bio of yourself and let your downline members know how you can assist them:

To set up your greeting, go to your LP Manager, click the Greeting tab. Introduce yourself to your team members and let them know in what ways you will be supporting them. If you've experienced success with SFI, share this good news too. Enter your greeting, then click the "Submit" button to save your changes. This information will be viewable by all SFI affiliates in your downline and also your CSAs.

2. A complete, at-a-glance contact information section, so your PSAs and CSAs can reach you:

You can adjust your contact settings by clicking the Edit/Add/Delete Contact Info link in your LP Manager and adjusting your contact information on file at SFI:

A section displaying all of your SFI badges:

Your Leadership Blog. Use this section to instruct, motivate, and inspire your team; share tips, ideas, and strategies; promote your team contests; and discuss marketing news. In short, you can talk about everything and anything that makes your team stronger. To post entries for your blog, just go to your LP Manager, click the Blog tab, enter your text, and click Submit.

 Recommendations.In this section, your affiliates can view the list of SFI services and resources and TripleClicks products you recommend and why you recommend them. If you have any ECAs you connect with, they will be displayed too.

To display your SFI product, service, and resource recommendations, go to your LP Manager, click the I Recommend tab, and make your selections, as illustrated below. Be sure to enter why you recommend them in the appropriate boxes. Click the "Submit" button to save your changes. Your connected ECAs will automatically appear on your Leadership Page.


6. Recognition. In this section, you can recognize and honor affiliates on your team. To post entries for your Recognition section, just go to your LP Manager, click the Recognition tab, enter your text, and click Submit.

"My Best Tip." Your best SFI business tip for success to share with everyone in your downline. In addition to your tip appearing on your Leadership Page, it will  appear on your Affiliate Snapshot (available to your downline through upline reports, and to all SFI affiliates via leadership boards, etc., by clicking your name). You can create or edit your Best Tip at your LP Manager by selecting the My Best Tip tab, and clicking the Edit My Best Tiplink.

Your LP also includes a "Rewards/Incentives" section. In this section you can set up contests for your team to motivate them and provide specific, actionable goals. You set the specifications for each of your contests, including starting and ending dates, who is eligible to enter, qualifications to win, winning restrictions, and, of course, the prize (which can be TCredits, PSA reassignments, or gift certificates). To create a contest, begin by going to the Rewards/Incentives tab in your LP Manager.

Enter your contest start and end dates, the generations within your downline who be able to participate, and the ranks of your affiliates who will be eligible for your contest:

Enter the prize (TCredits, Gift Certificates, Affiliate Reassignments) you want to award and the qualifications (referring TC Members, attaining a specific rank, number of retail sales, etc.): 

Enter the total number of affiliates who can win the contest, along with any special comments or notes you want to add for your contestants to see. Click Submit when you're done. 

That's it! With just a few clicks, and literally in just a minute or two, you can set up a contest any time you want. And when your downline members go to your LP, all contests they are eligible for will be be automatically  presented to them to enter!

All told, you will need to spend 20 minutes or so getting your LP set up how you want it. The best way is to click each individual tab and then just read and follow the simple directions that are provided.

When you're ready to start setting up YOUR LP, go to the LP Manager HERE:

TIP: Do your writing in a word processor. When you've got your text fully proofed, spell-checked, etc...only then copy and paste it into the LP Manager. If you don't, you risk having the Website time out on you before submission and losing your work.
